16 year old climate activist arrives in NY for UN summit after sailing across the ocean

Brought to us by the same people who cry,

“You can’t say ■■■■ hole country!”

Only to tell everyone how they want to control birth rates in said countries.

Sure. In the same way an expert or non-expert is used to spread a message. Typically by the individual themselves. You know, by using their voice. Crazy how that works.

She’s been abused her whole life by lies… Not alive long enough to see their predictions fail. I wonder if in 20 years when climate things are the same, if she will sue!

Oh, and building a sailboat causes emissions… So, just another lie…

If they’re not driven by fuel, how is it they contribute to ocean rise? I’m talking HER boat.

You’ve been told multiple times now.

And “her boat” wasn’t “solar powered”. It’s a sailboat.

Re-take a damn science class.

Pay attention this time.

So in other words, you had no point.

Out of curiosity, what did you think of her demeanor? Was that normal 16 year old behavior?

Any one who is intellectually honest.

There is fundamentally nothing wrong with allowing minors to express their opinions, but it is fundamentally wrong to attack and vilify anyone who dares to voice an opposing opinion on the premise that they are a minor. That is cowardly and pathetic.

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What did you think of her emotionally wrought performance? Was that the behavior that you would expect from a 16 year old girl? If you were a UN delegate in that audience, would it inspire you to shut down your nations industrial sector to save the world?

My brother in law has Aspergers. He doesn’t communicate or act anything like she does.

This isn’t about compassion, its about whether or not to seriously diminish the economy and standard of living of virtually every civilized country in the world on the basis of an overly wrought 16 year old’s opinions.

She is an exploited child by radicals funded by Soros.
This is sick!

For someone with autism, I thought her “performance” was typical. Autism is a spectrum disorder, based on her mannerisms, she appears to be mild to moderate in severity.

I think a young person passionate about something and willing to make their views known despite a disability is inspiring. She took a risk secondary to potential ridicule of both her age and disability. Which we can see in this thread both occurred.

Oh. So now you think the UN and other nations are going to make policy based entirely on one girl’s speech? Interesting. You’re giving her quite a bit of credence and power. Impressive.

She is one voice of many giving both opinion and fact. The summation of facts and occasional educated opinion lead to policy. By all means, continue to criticize her disability. I’m sure that will help your cause.

Did you think Sandman (the Maga hat wearer teenager) is inspiring?

That’s not what Samm asked.

What risk do you think she took? :thinking:

Please no!!

if the oceans rise all the libs will flee inland to where us normal folk live.

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Not welcome. :wink: