16 year old climate activist arrives in NY for UN summit after sailing across the ocean

Odd that article failed to quote what she supposedly said.


Watch. Clip of Thunberg talking. Laura asks if anyone finds that chilling. Clip from Children of the Corn. Laura says she can’t wait for a Stephen King “Children of the Climate.”

Let me guess, because she was “joking” it’s OK.

If that doesn’t work, next have a five year old cancer patient talk to the UN. Who would dare say anything?

Can’t use experts. Can’t use non-experts. Can’t use minors.

I think that covers it. There is literally no one conservatives give merit to when it comes to any topic of discussion.

Of course you can use experts.
That doesn’t mean everyone has to agree with them.
You can use 16 year old girls but that doesn’t mean no one can question their knowledge or, if the issue arises, their manners.
Perhaps you want to be able to use someone with whom no one can disagree.

Question the manners of a 16-year old with autism? That’s the strategy? Not the underlying message. Not the underlying evidence. Manners. Stay classy!

If you put yourself, or if others use you, to lecture other people in a rude fashion, then you cannot claim immunity to criticism.
Well, you may be correct. It might better be directed to those who are using her.
And the criticism consists only of noting what they are doing…not name calling.

# A Fox News guest called Greta Thunberg ‘mentally ill.’ The network apologized for the ‘disgraceful’ comment.

Yes, that shouldn’t be done…but that is exactly what those using her are claiming. She has autism…she has aspergers…she’s not normal…so you can’t criticize her. These people who are using that to say you can’t criticize her are saying exactly that she is not normal.

FAKE NEWS, and even if it did happen Donald sent out a very nice tweet about her so it’s all good.

Did you see the tweet? Very, very nice.

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You don’t know anyone with Asperger Syndrome I see. Good for you, I suppose. Let me give you a tip: this is how they communicate. She’s doing a better job than many with the same condition.

So…she is not normal…she is mentally ill…you can’t criticize her?

So in your world there is only “normal” and “mentally ill.” Interesting. I suppose if she were blind or deaf or had a physical disability you’d be OK with criticizing her for those as well. She, or her mysterious handlers, put her out there. Anything’s fair game. They have a disability, you’re going to point it out and use it to discredit them.

Compassionate conservatism at its finest!

Stop getting so dramatic , it was a general observation about the thread.

If you feel personally attacked thats your issue. My comments were not aimed at you specifically.

Bull… You just said she can’t be criticized for her actions because of her mental state and then don’t want it to be noticed that she has a mental condition.
When you bring someone up to represent your side don’t pick someone whom you then defend from any criticism because you say she has mental deficiencies and then get all puffed up if someone concedes that they have mental deficiencies.
I have no reason to believe she has any of that except that you guys claim she does in order to allow her to be rude without criticism.
Its fine if she wants to sail across the Atlantic. That does not make her an expert on anything, unless possibly on how to sail across the Atlantic.
Stop using her.

Every team gives the Orioles beatings like that. They’re the worst team in the history of the game

When you don’t have the evidence to rebut the message you go with what you got and that’s all that they got.

severe GDS

We need to tell her to stop being concerned about the world we’re leaving for her?

Lol. Dear Lord. The next time someone with depression, anxiety or PTSD gets on stage to talk and has word finding, memory or emotional issues, I’ll know who to look for to rip them apart for it.

Ridiculing a 16-year old with autism with the audacity to speak on climate change. Not because of climate change, but because her condition makes her sound rude. Now even calling to question her medical diagnosis?

Continue to defend yourself on that one. You already have the shovel it seems.