11,000 global warming scientists have lost their minds

Smog will be the least of your concern when the methane deposits under permafrost are released.

I agree, actually. I have no faith in political solutions to this problem.

Are you volunteering to be poor?

You mean like the Hollywood hypocrites who love telling us how to live? Any of them have a compost pile, hang their clothes out to dry or have a rain barrel like me? I’m guessing nope.

I agree. Stop electing morons who only seek to enrich their own life and start electing the well educated. It is my observation that when people within the STEM community run for office, they are doing so to use their knowledge to enrich the lives of those around them.

Remove career politicians, elect scientists, and enact laws to lessen the impact of climate change

Well clearly that’s a ridiculous strawman, thanks.

Smog? I was referring to the whole picture. There was some real pollution going on in the 60’s including raw sewage into rivers at times.

We are eons better than all that now. China on the other hand is not. Perhaps you should lecture them.

p.s. The sky is not falling. It really isn’t.

Science doesn’t affect society?

No doubt about it. We are cleaner now than we have been since the start of the industrial revolution.

I live in the great lakes region. I’ll be fine. I hope the 17,000 liters of water per kg of beef is worth it for you.


Your president has loosened those regulations and you applaud it.

If you cared about sewage and other pollution then trump wasnt your man.


Can you guess why?

We are fine these days in this country.

Read the article.

we need fewer people: "Stabilise global population "

poorer people: “Shift economic goals away from GDP growth”

eating only cereal: “Eat mostly plants and less meat”

walking most of the time: Leave fossil fuels in the ground

I just restated essentially what they said, now didn’t I?

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That there 11,000 “global warming scientists” is very telling.

Maybe they can sell car insurance.

Ok? What part of my criticism of consumer societies omits China?

Either car OR auto insurance as Warren said about potentially jobless health insurers. :wink::rofl:


I’d rather have them working on science. For example: Finding an alternative fuel that is cheap efficient,reliable and renewable that I can put into my Ferrari. That would be much better than discussing how to tax energy with a 16 year old girl, Hollywood actors and corrupt fat cat politicians.