Yet another vicious lie by fake news CNN

Exactly. He was called out on this (by many of his followers and supporters) and had to admit what he originally said was not accurate.

Quick question: Currently, are repubs sticking with “The money was withheld because Trump was concerned about corruption in Ukraine” or “The money was withheld because Trump wanted Zelensky to announce an investigation of Biden”?

Because I have heard Repub MOC say both things.

If you arent that worried about lies start in the white house.

Who gives a ■■■■ about this fake outrage?

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Sure. Now that that’s been answered, will you hold Donald to the same standard and vote against him in November?

But its something bad about the evil CNN that the Trump worshippers can all dance and sing in unison about.

The conservative ability to try to take the moral high ground while defending a pathological liar is adorable.


Its ■■■■■■■ stupid. They can run their mouths up and down with no punishment. But how dare the left do anything! Then it’s just how dare thee!

That wasn’t an opinion. That was a total fabrication. Can he or CNN ever be trusted again?


Yep, I trust them over State TV.

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Very true. But if a Republican says something not very nice, then its construed as a joke. And its that “libs have no sense of humor”.

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Why bring Shifty into this? Here’s an adorable question

You will have a chance to fire the president in November. Should this reporter be fired?

You will have a chance to fire the president in November. Should this reporter be fired?

You will have a chance to fire the president in November. Should this reporter be fired?

You cant call them a liar because then you are being mean. Nothing but protected little babies.

You will have a chance to fire the president in November. Should this reporter be fired?

So it’s okay if you’re a politician then? Because that standard can be applied to any politician. That what you’re saying?

You keep spamming your question. I will spam my answer.

Sure, the reporter should be fired. Now then - should Donald, as POTUS, be held to the same standard as this journalist? If you believe the journalist should be fired for lying, will you join me in voting against Donald this November for the same behavior?

Nope. I’m not saying anything. I’m asking a questions.

You will have a chance to fire the president in November. Should this reporter be fired?

I will not be voting for the democratic nominee unless he/she is not a confirmed liar.

Donald is a confirmed liar. And yet you will vote for him. Which makes your outrage over this journalist as legitimate as a 3 dollar bill.

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