Yep, It just snowed in Baghdad

1 dead guy vs 11000 scientists

Good one!


Mr Coleman said he based many of his views on the findings of the NIPCC, a non-governmental international body of scientists aimed at offering an ‘independent second opinion of the evidence reviewed by the IPCC.’

You can drag your knuckles in the sand all you want. Maybe join evolution deniers. Thankfully the world is moving beyond such ignorance


Oooo fancy organization title, they must be right!

Is that where we’re going. Insults? That’s what you want to do right now? Try to maintain a little dignity. You are better than this.

no mention of climate change

of course not it flies in the face of their narratives

pure silence, bub. listen closely

Is this the part where I get to post memes?


Because global temperatures aren’t lowering lmao

This thread :man_facepalming:

when you react with seriousness, people might take you seriously

Why should anyone take GW deniers seriously?

Who’s science? The political science of government and universities? The ones who punish dissent? The same science that gets nearly every prediction wrong?

There has been no warming for 18 years.

what global temps are doing is hotly debatable. but since you post facepalm emotes, few if any bother to mention it to you

Uh huh

Totally. Gotta get deep state out of universities

It’s almost like we need to look at all the data around the globe and do this thing called “science”

“science” doesnt mean ignoring data that makes idiot 20’s year old bartender leftist nitwit AOC look smart


I think you may need to retake algebra.

Which has the higher temp average?




Oh, AOC derangement syndrom. I should have known.

hmm cant dispute data/science, personally attack the poster

good work