Yay! U.S. women's soccer team loses to Sweden!

No. You’re flailing. The schtick is getting very boring.

The best part? Nobody is asking you to agree. You can love her and we are free not to. Ain’t America great!

I’m not flailing! Both have the same point!

Lol subliminal advertising is a real thing! Kicking a burger out of someone’s hands you don’t know and telling them to eat a salad is the same as me walking up to someone and telling them to skip a burger for a salad! It’s the same purpose! Can you imagine if someone made a video making fun of ripinoe choosing to be LGBTQ! Fat shaming is completely ok! But my god make fun of a trans gendered and the world ends!

What US athletes are we rooting for to lose today?

I don’t know! Russia? China?

That’s top secret info. For club members only.

thats not my point

that’s just your emotional attack narrative

Gotta wait for Breitbart and Tucker to tell them first.

Conservative really hate that one player on the soccer team.

There are people who believe the wage market runs on perfect information and so therefore whatever wage is being paid is totally objective and linked to value added.

Wages are driven by information and power asymmetry. The market does not, in fact, have perfect information.

Ever wonder why companies discourage sharing of salaries in their organization? Hint- it’s not illegal- in fact, you have the right to know what everyone in your company makes.

There’s a good reason that right exists.

There’s also a strong incentive for businesses to do everything they can to try and discourage you from exercising that right.

It’s simple really. Any US athlete that takes a knee/turns their back or otherwise disrespect the flag or anthem.

Woke libs support them for doing that of course. :roll_eyes:

“If someone doesn’t conform to the behavior I want them to, how can they really love America?”

:rofl: :rofl:

That is a deliberate lie. And you know it.

This picture is not from the Tokyo Olympics. This is from February 2021 in a match against Canada. Same picture, different angle.

Well…I support their right to do that anyway.

“Everyone must display patriotism the way I WANT THEM TO or else they aren’t real Americans!”

I love this attitude by supposed “Patriots”.

Especially when displayed without a hint of irony or self-reflection.

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fun fact they didn’t kneel during the anthem.

Fun fact, it does not matter, you are dealing with “no context needed in order to have an opinion” type of folks…its all about the feeeeling

But see at one time they did…they committed the unpardonable sin of exercising their right to free speech in a manner of which Style over Substance conservatives disapproved.

How dare that happen in a free country?