Would you want the Wall if..........?

Speeding is a Crime.

It can cause car accidents that kill other people.
Or a person could accidentally run someone over, or possibly run into a
building if they can’t control their car from speeding so fast.

Do you think that speeding isn’t serious or something? Do you think
killing children is ok? I mean besides murdering babies of course from Abortion.
What if you were speeding and killed a child?

A few reasons why he wouldn’t do that.

One, Trump needs people to believe Dems will never negotiate. Two, he would have to admit that he prevented attempts to compromise last year.

I have no idea what any of this means in response to my post. Here is what we do know:

Conservatives on this board said that the unemployment numbers under Obama were fake.

Magically, those numbers were trusted once Trump took office.

Care to address that or will you give another response like the above?

You were talking about Fake. I was pointing out your Socialist Fake News.

If you actually read what I posted, then you would know that I already answered
your question. What have been the media/Average percentage of unemployment under Obama, and under Trump? Do you not wish to answer the question? If so, I
will understand why. Just because Obama got his ratings up to make him look good at the very end, doesn’t mean that overall his numbers were good.

That’s just common sense. Liberals seem to be lacking that.

**Unemployment Averages overall under Obama, and Under Trump. **
That is the answer to several debates on here, and for the American people
in general, and yet easily answered.

Hmm, are you under the impression that a President can turn economies around on a dime? That immediately prior economics have no bearing?

Back to my original point, the Bureau of Labor Statistics data on unemployment, why did conservatives say the numbers were faked when Obama was President yet the day Trump became president all his numbers are believed?

You. Ill let you figure it out.

Lol socialist fake news that are purely capitalist entities. Smurt.

I believe in results, and the proof is in the pudding.

Obama has had 8 years. That’s how long it took for him to get number up.
Trumps numbers have gotten better and better, and continue to stay there.

Like I said, go by both of their average overall numbers.

Have you ever tried writing more than a couple of words, or more
than a sentence for that matter to respond to someone’s post or thread?
Details can be a wonderful thing.

Why is the $8 trillion in debt bad?

To trumpists ive given up trying to have meaningful conversations

Do you think that 8 trillion dollars in debt is a good thing? lol.


I made no comment on my opinion of the debt.

I asked why YOU think $8 trillion in debt is “bad”.

I’m looking for a substantive answer.

What about moderates in the middle, or Republicans that are never Trumpers?

I remember that you seem to not only write a sentence or a couple of words or less
in this thread, but you seem to do it on a regular basis. I was just curious as to why.
That’s all.

Yes, 8 trillion dollars is a bad thing for any country to be in debt for.


I would like a substantive response, please.

Sure. I will explain. The reason i responded the way i did at first is because the op relies on personal anecdotes to make the argument. That is not necessarily good information for policy decisions :slight_smile:

It all started back in kindergarten, when you learn to add and subtract.

Children learn that if they have 1 penny and they add another penny to it that they have two pennies. Two pennies is better than one penny money wise.

Now if you minus and take away more than what a person has on say a loan, or
credit, and become in debt, than it’s bad, because then they’re in the negative.

Bad is the opposite of Good.

Children know that they’d much rather be in the positive with money, than in the negative.

National debt is different when one is the sovereign money issuer.

Republicans offered up a path to citizenship for them? Are you sure about that?