Without western Europeans, would slavery still exist throughout the world?

Slavery is wrong, no one currently alive in the U.S. has ever owned a slave from Africa, no African American alive living in the U.S. has been a slave.

The stance of not punishing the child for the fathers sin has pretty much been a nonpartisan agreed upon on issue.

Some people might not like what was just written but it is the truth. Everything is about money, and in the end it always come back to reparations. It might start with a statue being toppled, coining phrases like white privilege which I guess includes the whites eating government cheese, and protests.

But it always comes back to reparations. If all police violence ended tomorrow the protests and outrage wouldn’t stop until the :moneybag: is paid.

Well, you’re wrong on one count.

Slavery is still alive.

Read what I ■■■■■■■ wrote. Of course it exists. That was the whole point of my post.

Thought it was rolling eye emotes after. :slight_smile:

They also don’t care about the 94-96% of African sourced slaves sent to the Americas who never came to the United States.

You could try addressing the question posed in the Tread Title and OP rather than nit pick about whether or not leftists denied the preexistence of slavery.

What about the slave trade today coming out of Libya and in other countries in Africa and parts of Asia. You would think trying to combat and active slave trade would be more important than a statue of someone that hasn’t been alive for 130+ years. Imagine if that ire that is being directed at those old statues was directed at this instead what good might come from it.

American have very little grasp of the world outside of their borders.

thats how it should be. because the rest of bar scene from star wars world sucks

That is because America is the only place were breeding slaves was the normal, in rest of the trade the average life span of a slave was a decade, working the sugar fields was a death sentence.

Qater host to the 2022 world cup (let play soccer in the middle of a desert) built all those facilities with slave labor over 4,000 have died.

Its not like Western Europe wanted to end slavery, it was more a matter they couldn’t deal with the non stop slave revolts

Yep I remember that but one almost had to dig for the info as it seemed little of it was covered just like the 1 million minorities locked up in concentration camps in China very little coverage or outrage.

one of the biggest economic industries keeping North Korea alive is exporting slave labor to China and Russia

you will find these “Cities” in Rural China/Russia mining, forestry, etc they are guarded by North Korean army officials 150,000-200,000 people are sent there without consent to work for the Russian/Chinese government.

I don’t think it is a common misconception that it is a racist European invention. European slavery was unprecedented due to its scale and international colonization.

Well, that’s not true: Haiti.

Not to nitpick, but industry has existed since the Mesopotamian city states. Nonetheless, the transatlantic slave trade is unique and a marker for European conquest of the world.

Don’t think that’s what is occurring. The slave trade in Italy of slavic is technically “European history of slavery”, but it pales in comparison to the scale of colonization and enslavement from 1500 to 1945.

Also, telling people how much they have “benefited” from that evil is hardly an argument to use to win people (those were colonized or whose ancestors were slaves) over to your side.

So you are saying that the 4-6% of slaves sent to the US were fortunate compared to the vast majority who were worked to death. Interesting perspective.

It true. And Haiti has very little to do with it. The fact is MOST slaves were destined for the Caribbean and South America.