Wind and solar help South Australia escape tyranny of soaring gas prices

While modest amounts of wind and solar – between five and fifty per cent – can deliver some relief from the expensive gas generators that mostly set the highest prices in the market – it appears that it is not until a grid reaches extremely high levels of wind and solar that the yoke is broken.

spot electricity prices in South Australia were trading at a significant discount to gas prices as the share of wind and solar in the state surpassed quarterly average of 80 per cent for the first time.

The writing is already on the wall for gas in South Australia. AGL is closing down the last of its ageing gas plants and is keeping only a handful of modern fast-start generators that will only be used for a few hours a year.

The day to day dispatchable generation work will be taken up by battery storage,

Makes sense. Most expensive part of my energy bill last year was natural gas.

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How many people?

25 million we have more illegals than they have citizens.


Is there a state with 25m people we can start with or nah?

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They are people…not illegals.

We either fix the problem immediately for everyone or we do nothing, there are no other options.




South Australia is 1.7 million people with a large indigenous region.

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They are illegals


The energy thing is solved. Solar, wind are now cheaper than fossil fuel, only problem is storage for down times of those techs. Simple solution, use the excess in sun or wind up times to chill air to liquid and boil it off to run a turbine when needed.

That would disrupt the economy though. Heat pump tech is amazing.


Ok not illegals “Border fluid free spirited document challenged earth travelers”.

Iron Eyes Cody was Italian not Australian


Alright illegal people. Is that better?

I’m sure all the countries from whence those illegals came wouldn’t mind if I went down there and didn’t leave and soaked up services, right?

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Of course they’re people. If they are undocumented or have no legal means to be here they are in this country illegally ergo “illegal”.
As a side comment, if they receive any of the benefits they are not supposed to have because of their illegal status, they are also thieves of taxpayers money. That’s my opinion, please don’t hate me. My grandparents emigrated from Italy legally and became US citizens. My mothers ancestors were colonists from Wales and Scotland. I have no patience nor tolerance for anyone who sneaks into this country and takes from the citizens. I have a disdain for anyone who facilitates illegal entry then justifies it with agenda driven cute labels like “migrant” or “asylum seekers”.
They’re ■■■■■■■ illegals and should go back to where they came from and if they want to emigrate do it the legal way.


I sure the only reason nat gas is expensive down there is because of govt policy. And at the end of the article they talked bout how to save the solar electricity to use at night with large battery fields. So fields of toxic waste.

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The reason is given.

There has long been a direct correlation between the price of gas, and gas generation, and average wholesale electricity prices. This has become a major problem around the world since the Russian invasion of Ukraine sent fossil fuel prices soaring around the world.