Will the election results reveal the biggest practical joke ever?

According to Scott Adams, there are large numbers of Trump supporters intentionally giving false or misleading information to pollsters as a practical joke and not just because they are worried about people harassing them for their beliefs. He sees it is a way of thumbing their noses at the humorless mainstream media, and they are looking forward to seeing a snowflake meltdown similar what occurred in 2016.

Listen to the blog starting at 16:00 for a discussion of shy Trump supporters. After 20:30 Adams gets into the details about lying to pollsters as a prank that he calls “the world’s greatest dad joke”.

Here is video of the same talk:

Adams points to the large numbers of Trump supporters who have said that they have already lied to pollsters. Here is the twitter thread:

If even a small fraction of surveyed Trump supporters have been telling pollsters they are for Biden, tomorrow’s election could turn into Trump winning the electoral vote in a landslide along with winning the popular vote as well.

Will tomorrow be the start of the biggest dad joke ever?


I accidently posted a draft.

If true, the meltdown will be just what the year 2020 needs?

It can go either way, was just looking at some polls today were it say Arizona is now a tossup and Florida slightly favors Biden. So in the last few days I have heard that Arizona, Florida, and Pennsylvania are all basically tossups, meaning Trump could win all three or lose all three or any combination of the above. I am thinking it will way closer than people think.

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The mainstream media will not appreciate being the butt of a practical joke, although I think that some on the left are starting to see eerie parallels with 2016. See the recent SNL Halloween opening for an example:

Later in his talk, Adams suggest that Democrats may attempt to use the misleading opinion polls to claim that the election results are invalid as part of “coup 2”. The prank may have unintended consequences.

Wouldn’t put too much hope in people lying to pollsters as a joke on a large scale.

I said from the get-go that this was going to be a turnout election. A high turnout favors Biden. And so far the early voting numbers are through the roof. Now typically Republicans tend to vote on election Tuesday.
However we do know that there were a lot of Clinton voters who stayed home four years ago. We also know that the third party candidates took away a noticeable percentage of the vote.
I really don’t think that a few folks lying to pollsters is significant. It may be why in some states the polls are all over the place. I also don’t think that the number of new registered voters translates into votes cast.

I am going with close also.

Anti Trump propaganda has been relentless.

Now you know how Hillary felt back in 2016.

Right. What other reason could there be?

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Later on he poses a more interesting what if. Involving tens of thousands of protesters storming the White House if he wins.

Relentless and superficial.

Poor guy can’t catch a break. The universe has always been aligned against him. If there’s one thing that is certain in this life, it is that Donald John Trump got the short end of every stick offered to him. You can take that to your secret Chinese bank.


Trump did show that he can deliver results.

So why be so superficial if Trump is so poor of a leader?

Mueller and impeachment were so weak and contrived it was embarrassing to witness.

To his credit…Trump marched right through and was able to keep the worst of the pandemic from happening.

This is what many voters see.

Lots of leaning on Scott Adams lately. Interesting.


Secret Service snipers will take care of those who manage to make it over the fence.

The worst of the pandemic is happening. Right now. This very minute. It’s getting worse.

This is the 7 day average of new cases over the duration of the pandemic.


When you say, “this is what many voters see” do they actually see something approximating the real world?

James Woods taking the morning off?

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In Wisconsin we have patients in a makeshift hospital on our state fairgrounds. Things are not great.

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If there are thousands coming over the fence? Don’t think so.