Will Mitch follow his own standards?

Sure, too easy! Mitch wouldn’t even give Merrick Garland any kind of a hearing. He said to wait until after the election in order to give the American people a chance to decide. If he lets a new justice go through before Biden or Trump is sworn in then, ta-da!, hypocrisy!

How good were Obama’s chances at getting reelected?

When was the last time the opposing party of the President confirmed his nomination during an election year?

“It has been 80 years since a Supreme Court vacancy was nominated and confirmed in an election year. There is a long tradition that you don’t do this in an election year.”

“If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump’s term, and the primary process has started, we’ll wait to the next election”

“The Senate should not confirm a new Supreme Court justice until we have a new president.”

I can go on and on with quotes from senators.

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Doesn’t matter. The standard laid out by Mitch and the Republicans is no new justice during an election year. Well, until now, I’m sure.

They spoke in November 2016 for this replacement.

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Is the Senate majority an opposing party to the President?

Okay, what’s the standard now?

Election stakes.

Oh well…

Libs can hate on McConnell if he pushes the nomination through. :man_shrugging:

Oh wait. Libs hate on him already. Can they hate him any more?

My recommendation to libs: Shout at the sky. Stomp your feet. Shake your fists. Hold your breath.

Hint: Elections have consequences. The current political chessboard for all this is a result of elections. Imagine that!


Did I hear that president is about to make a comment?

Here the answer from Mitch McConnel:

If Biden wins and Democrats take the Senate, they will likely quickly counter this move.

They will do this first by abolishing the legislative filibuster. Next, they will pass an act adjourning the remainder of the October 2020 Supreme Court term and adjourn the Supreme Court until October 2021, an act which Congress did in 1801, adjourning the 1802 Supreme Court terms. This would prevent the Supreme Court from deciding any new cases until Congress can further act.

Congress will likely add two new seats which would be filled by Biden in time for the Supreme Court’s return in October 2021.

During the adjournment of the Supreme Court, the Justices would be required to ride circuit as they did up until 1891.

I have zero doubt Democrats will decisively counter this move should they win full control. The progressive base of the Democratic Party will demand they do so. Additionally, they will not tolerate any possible overturn of Planned Parenthood v Casey.

So a victory by Trump in making an appointment could be a very ephemeral victory.


Just say “If the President and Senate are of opposing parities it’s cool not to even give a hearing to his/her Supreme Court nomination during an election year. If they are the same party then a new justice can be appointed and it won’t be hypocritical” so we can be done with all this.

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Not until Jan 1st IMO. By then justice have already been sworn in.

Did the majority party in the Senate get their majority by campaigning about SCOTUS nominations?

Passing a law and appointing a lifetime justice. Totally the same ■■■■■■■ thing.

The legislative filibuster has nothing to do with the appointment of the justice. Rather, it clears the way to force through legislation adjourning the Supreme Court and later expanding the Supreme Court.

It’s really all that’s left for the Senate to become a proper upper chamber without the 60 vote rule. Might as well at this point.

Look on the bright side. Republicans can eliminate all the government programs with a 51 vote majority.

Doesn’t matter. The hard fact is that when Scalia passed away the Republican majority would not even give Obama’s nominee a hearing. Their reasoning was that there should not be a new appointment during an election year. Now the same people are planning to do just that. Do you have a better definition of hypocrisy?

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Do you think a replacement will be installed before Trump’s reelection?