Will China Kill the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs?

The minute and I do mean the very minute Taiwan tries to declare itself a separate and sovereign State, there will be a massive attack laid upon them by the PLA. They might not QUITE yet be able to militarily overrun Taiwan, but short of that, they are perfectly capable of bombing Taiwan back into the stone age.

I wouldn’t encourage Taiwan to make any rash moves.

Just as stupid as the protesters poking at the proverbial hornets nest in Hong Kong. Pretty soon the “hornets” will fly out and overwhelm them.

Yeah…I know.

Why do we force manufacturers to put
“Made In…” on their products?

You won’t find a whole lot-o lib complaining about the Communist government in China putting down a pack of people demanding freedom.


Oooops…there goes socialism and communism. Welcome back. :sunglasses:

So, peanuts and cutting off trade with China will have no significant effect. Thanks for clearing that.up.

Did you tell Mr. Trump that when he stood by and basically covered for the Saudis for murdering the journalist…or how we aid them in committing atrocities in Yemen?

When should we stand and when shouldn’t we?

Give Tiawan & Japan Nukes. They won’t mess with either. They are power mad, not suicidal.

I never tell Trump anything. Funny, do you stand for anything at all? I see the leftists here defending China.

And yet, you are here!

one of the stupidest ideas ever seen here

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You want us to arm all the countries around China…

Yet you don’t believe you’re advocating conflict with China…

Your one statement contradicts the other.

We did nothing when Tiananmen Square happened. We’ll do nothing now.

Russia tried something similar in 1962. It didn’t exactly work out and almost led to World War III.

Not a brilliant idea for the United States to try either.

Because interventionism should remain forever unbound.

I asked you first.

And no one is defending China.

Disagreeing with how the President is dealing with China is not equivalent to defending China.

Do you never tire of making over-simplified arguments?

Has there ever been a single instance where the US has meddled in foreign affairs where it hasn’t come back to bite us in the collective ass? Just one?


Grenada, maybe?