Wilbur Ross: Trump's new China tariffs will increase prices but 'nobody is going to actually notice'

You are like some rugged backwoods survalist… off the grid! Amazing!

Who also posts 24/7 on forums. :thinking:


I’ve said a hundred times… just a simple man. Not off the grid.

I will just assume you converted an old typewriter, RCA tube, and parts from an old ford into a computer and sit on a pile of rags as you chat with us.

Ah…I do have an 8mm mauser. But my other long guns are US made. No handguns.

More creepy than simple, tbh. Where do people sit in your unfurnished house?

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Wait prices wont go up? Your telling me companies wont use this tariff as a reason to increase prices to gain a few extra $$ off the back of the American worker… Capitalism is truly dead.

I dont have guests. I spend most of my free time at my SO’s house. She has furniture, and dishes, and TVs, and real beds, etc.

And where did she buy all this stuff you obviously mooch… er… rely on?

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I chat with you on a Samsung Galaxy S8+. More sophisticated men would have an S9.

She works. And she get alimony from her ex ( which is me).

Wilbur Ross will feel no pain. The plebes buying cans of Campbell’s condensed at the 7/11, eh, they’ll barely notice.

So the liberals on here are now okay with cheap Chinese goods at Wall-mart. Good to know.

Where do republicans shop?

Get another fork, another spoon, another knife and another plate. You never know when Helga will visit.

Bowl… not plate. Did I not say bowl?

Aluminim foil is a fine plate. But a bowl is special. It can be your cereal bowl and then your coffee cup.

Thoreau is that you?

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The is pretty funny and nobody in their right mind should believe ishy. :crazy_face:

They apparently don’t.

They only need:
One spoon
One fork
One bowl
One pallet
And of course a truck.

Is your stick foreign made?

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