Why is the House speaker required to be a pimp for pork barrel whores?


"Kevin McCarthy spent years raising mountains of Republican campaign cash, flying around the country to recruit top candidates in key districts and painstakingly building political relationships as he worked his way toward becoming speaker of the House.

Now that he’s been ousted from the post after less than nine months, some in the GOP are wondering if anyone can take his place as a fundraising dynamo and party builder."

A conservative speaker’s role should be to oversea the presentation and passing of conservatively principled legislation in a timely and transparent conservatively principled manner.

Raising finds from special interest lobby groups prostitutes his party reps to pass legislation that favours their donors and is whipped through by a bought and paid for speaker and whip using threats of reprisal and threats of withholding their whoring fees, rather than serving the interests of the conservatively principled voter base who elected them to be their representatives advocating *the people’s " interests.

I hope the new speaker on taking office immediately announces that s/he will no longer be focussing on pimping for reps, but reps will have to be authentic and win the hearts and minds and dollars of their constituents by the legislation they pass meaningfully improving their constituents lives, rather than reps relying on advertising funded by special interest patrons to fool voters regarding their real intentions using inauthentic images of themselves.


In other words, everything that’s wrong with a human being, wearing a suit.



completely a fever dream, American politics (and SCOTUS) has evolved into a lobbyist dream. just throw cash and gifts at politicians and watch the results.

a pox on both their houses.

i have no similar illusions about hakeem Jeffries who will take over as speaker in 2025


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It’s the democratic ideal.


Change and reform can happen. Is it a change you would like to see?

That’s how it should be but it’s never happening.
To many corrupt Politicians, too deep a divide between 2 partys, caos would grow and nothing better would come out of it.
I am sorry but there is a reason why Congress approval was hovering below 20 % for the longest time.
Let’s suppose Jordan gets it and does that, if he is not removed same like Mc Carthy he’d probably quit in frustration.

This belief struck me first time when they voted in a different fantsy Health care plans for THEMSELF and there was NOT enough HONEST souls in Congress and Senate to stop that.

What a disgrace and BETREYAL.

Cool. Let’s have public funding of campaigns!

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Which will quickly turn into campaign weapon against those that libs opposes…for not having the right think.

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Well, I guess we are stuck with “pimping for pork barrel whores” then.

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I don’t like it…but it’s better than libs having total control who gets funded.

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I hope for this too :wink:

Whoa. He’s done all that? And you guys just kicked him to the curb? Ok well thanks :+1: :handshake:

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Politicians practicing politics? Wild. You never see that.

I feel that overthrowing McCarthy will cause some very, very tense relationships between Conservatives and within the GOP in general.

Yeah, it’s a real bummer…


What you think is gonna stop raising funds?

I mean, for you and the Dems it’s not.

Of course not, but Speakers often bring in some of the biggest hauls. Pelosi was a fund raising machine. McCarthy was no slouch either.

Very true but she was talking about before he was speaker.

It’s not something can start doing tomorrow.