Why is President Trump not a treasonous traitor?

they’re just searching for ways to protect their favorite politician. throwing our country under the bus is no big deal.

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You know that this began under Obama right? Trump was a private citizen when the tampering happened. Your beloved Barack did absolutely nothing because as long a Hillary won, he didn’t care. Hillary lost, which now makes this a big deal.


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Seriously, you trumpists are so far gone with posts like this…

You people watch waaaaay too much colbert and House of Cards.

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The problem with your treason excusing is Obama (peace be upon him) did plenty. Sanctions, expelling diplomats. As always Obama (peace be upon him) was relentlessly bipartisan and approached congressional leadership to make a statement about Russian electoral hacking, to avoid it looking partisan.

McConnell refused and buried it.

So Donald Trump refuses to defend the US, and your response is to tell lies about Obama (PBUH)? Yeah, that’s not going to cut it.


Lol yeah he did plenty, after the election, to further the narrative that Hillary was robbed and Trump stole the election with the help of the Russians.

House of Cards’ Writer: “Dear Mr. Mueller, can we borrow some of your research. We would have never thought of some of that stuff.”

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I listened to trump’s words this morning and I swear to god, my blood pressure shot up over 200 points. I couldn’t believe my ears to the treasonous words coming out of the president’s mouth.

He still has his issue with Hillary. He still spews his BS about winning the EC. “No collusion”
Doesn’t believe our intelligence agencies, but believes a murderous dictator. Blames the Dems for obstruction, etc. etc. etc.

What if Obama had gone to a foreign country and blame the GOP for not giving his Supreme Court nominee a hearing. What if Obama called the GOP obstructionists?

I already called my congressman’s DC office and voiced my opinion.

I’ve never seen what the Russians allegedly said they had on Hillary, but the person meeting with them didn’t find it credible, didn’t ask for more information, and moved onto a different subject that appeared to be what they really wanted the meeting for.

Now for collusion, you’d have to prove that they had asked first for the information or was working with them for the information. Doesn’t appear to be the case.

You COULD say that Hillary’s campaign colluded with a forieng agent in the dossier as well.


I did the same today.

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On the advice of @Plasmaball I also did the same. And I wrote letters to both my Representative and to Roy Blunt.

this seems strangely relevant

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I agree. Obama was the most corrupt president we’ve had since Nixon changed his party affiliation so that people would think Republicans were corrupt.

Very interesting. Especially considering this was filed today…


It is the criminal complaint against none other than Maria Butina.

He imposed sanctions, expelled Russian diplomats and closed down two Russian diplomatic compounds in the US.

Trump called the US foolish and stupid and Putin fine.

exactly. but everything is fine

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He didn’t keep us safe. That’s all that matters. Do you think Russia cares at all about any of the things Obama did? Putin would do it again because the return on investment is huge.

Things behind the scenes and in the legal corners of the world are not exactly going swimmingly for some folks with fever-dreams of a Trump lifetime dictatorship.

but the people in front AKA congress are doing to do jack ■■■■■ merrily going along confirming judges, ignoring oversight, and other jobs in the hopes that by thursday Trump will have done something else to take the pressure of himself.

Ugh…I know. It is despicable.