Why fox news is sooo important

No you didn’t which is why I brought it up.


And one would generally assume it’s a given that he would be an author because virtually ALL these radio/TV political commentators put out books. It’s not even worth mentioning. He put out two books, compared to the MANY put out each by people like Levin, O’Reilly, Hannity, Pirro, etc. Even Greg Gutfield has a book out.

And either way, it’s a wholly irrelevant to the point. Using Colmes as an example of “fair and balance” or “presenting both sides” is laughable, at best. He was nothing more than a pundit, ever. I rattled off a bunch of names CNN had on for YEARS who brought a little more legitimacy to the right-wing argument on their show than “commentator.”

The quote function makes this really easy.

And once again you didn’t mention he was also a published author.


Oops. It doesn’t matter that he’s an author BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL AUTHORS. While we’re at it, I also didn’t mention that he eats food, breathes oxygen, wears clothes, has hair, and wears shoes. Being an author as a pundit is not noteworthy. They all have their names attached to books.

And either way, it’s a wholly irrelevant to the point. Using Colmes as an example of “fair and balance” or “presenting both sides” is laughable, at best. He was nothing more than a pundit, ever. I rattled off a bunch of names CNN had on for YEARS who brought a little more legitimacy to the right-wing argument on their show than “commentator.”

I mean, feel free to go down the HUR HUR TECHNICALITY rabbit hole, but it’s just wholly irrelevant and deflective. It literally doesn’t refute or contradict anything.

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So, you really think Shephard Smith, and Chris Wallace “like” Trump?

Fox allows both pro-Trump and no-Trump anchors to host shows. This makes Fox significantly less biased than any outlet that has all No-Trump anchors. One could argue that the balance on Fox between pro-Trump and No-Trump anchors is not 50/50, and is therefore to some degree still biased. But does any other main stream outlet have a single pro-Trump anchor? Not talking about guests here, but anchors.

If he does it’s just evidence he’s never watched either show.

I think Smith tries to give the news without leaning way right or left. Wallace leans right but gives a fair airing of the issues (one of the few ‘fair and balanced’ on Fox.

You miss my point however. It’s not whether or not they like Trump, it’s the almost constant drone from the rest of Fox that any criticism of this president is because they ‘hate Trump’. It makes it too easy to dismiss legitimate criticism and is arguably as accurate as labeling all criticism of Obama as hate driven.

Fox News has real Journalists, and actually try and report facts.

The Liberal Fake News Mainstream Media doesn’t seem to care
what they present to people. It’s actually quite sad.

The Liberal News has almost destroyed the integrity of the news in general,
in America.

We need Fox because 11 million people don’t know what to think without having someone tell them?


Horse hockey.

Token libs. :slight_smile:

This is a perfect example of a fake news informed post.

Fox News does very little reporting. They read what others report and then comment on it.

Horse hockey.

And now we’ve come full circle. Started with liberal debate, finished with conservative debate.

Is this a new sport I’m unaware of?

Do you know the difference between “not liking” and “hating”?

So do I!

Conservatives don’t like things.
Liberals doing the same thing are hate driven.

Fox News gets such big ratings compared to their competitors, because the American people can distinguish who they can trust news wise,
and are tired of the lies from the Liberal Mainstream Media Biased
make stories up news.