Why did it take Snopes 7 years to admit the fine-people hoax was really a hoax?

Why does the left call unite the right rally nazis? Never really got that.

Because at the Unite the Right… they self identified as such.

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Even Nazis have first amendment rights. There was a time when Liberals recognized that.

Free speech was why the US government joined Ukraine as the only no votes against a Russian-backed UN resolution against “the glorification of Nazism”.

The “fine people” that Trump was referring to were people who were not connected with the Nazis or Antifa and were peacefully exercising their first amendment rights. The fact they may have had views about the statues that were similar to those of violent extremists does not change that.

When have I ever said that they did not have a right to peaceably assemble? You are making quite a few assumptions here.

And they were not at the Unite the Right rally… you get that… right?

They called themselves nazis? Lol where did this happen? Only people ive EVER seen actively identify as nazis are non political prison gangs

The American Nationalist Socialist movement was one of the groups in attendance. They are an offshoot of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi party.

Also the Nationalist Front was there.

They all self Identify as Nazis.

Stick to The Narrative!