Why did/does man create religions?

Lol what in the world are you talking about. You were responding to this question:


Oh is that your story now

Yup, right there in front of you I said we should lose sleep over bullies. Why can’t you see it? By the way, bully is spelled b.u.l.l.y. in case you are having trouble with spelling again.

What in the world does “you laughing” have to do with what borgia_dude asked???

I see. Presenting and defending Evangelical rights to their beliefs and feelings is now an “endorsement.” Anything else?

No. You said we should lose sleep over being bullied into voting for a candidate that wants to dismantle chrustianity

Yes, when you agree with their fears. Yes. That’s an endorsement hahaha

(Patiently.) It always was what took place. Are you just getting that now? I’ve only had to explain it a half-dozen times.

What does you laughing have to do with what borgia dude asked?

It’s obvious you were trying to dodge this question and didnt think someone would find a post of you saying we should lose sleep over Hillary wanting to dismantle christianity

Interesting. What I was doing was offering advice on how a political group might get a group of Evangelicals to vote for their candidate. Sounds like I was endorsing a methodology to get Evangelical votes to change.

But what do I know, right? Obviously if I wrote the post, I wouldn’t know my intent. We need to call in DaMan to decide. :rofl:

No. You were saying we should lose sleep over libs and Hillary dismantling christianity hahaha

You write many many posts that contradict eachother. Its fascinating

I’m gonna get some sleep now. Dont worry. Even atheists dont lose sleep worrying about religion forcing beliefs through government.

Bump for you.

You are asking about something that happened over ten years ago. My brother attended West Point well before that, and it wasn’t an issue at that time. My daughter was an ROTC cadet in 2008 (the date of the Times article) and there didn’t seem to be any problem in that corp, either. Even the article you posted indicated that fifteen randomly selected cadets did not see a problem with what happened at West Point.

What I can tell you is when, later, my daughter was within combat zones the chaplain(s), when available, were all wonderful. It is my understanding one was even an atheist and he was no less wonderful than the others. She is Catholic, but (unlike MASH) never had a Catholic chaplain. No one is forced to see a chaplain or to attend any service. They are simply available. Sometimes. And they are appreciated. Just what the doctor ordered (so-to-speak).

Yes, I was already responding.

Do that. And you don’t worry if you don’t hear from me for quite some time. It’s been real. And it’s been fun. But it hasn’t been real fun, if you catch my drift. I doubt you will, but as usual I have to at least try.

Glad you didnt experience it. Others did.

Your avoiding the issue. You said Christianity wasn’t forced on others. But clearly it was, at these service academies. It doesn’t matter if it was 12 years ago. It only stopped because atheists took a stand.

And ‘returning to christian values’ (as opposed to moral values that we all have and yes, need more of) that some politicians n s keep talking about _ means exactly that. Pressuring people to become christian.

I am out of patience. I am not avoiding anything. I am telling you what I know (or don’t know) about your articles. I do know my daughter, a Catholic, did not feel that Protestantism or atheism were being forced on her when these were her chaplains.

I do not doubt the atheist cadets felt they were being forced. As we see here and in the article itself, experiences vary.

The reason I am losing patience is that I grew up in an extended family of Catholics, Protestants, and atheists. I married into a family of atheists. None of us ever felt forced. We knew what we were/are and other beliefs being voiced or practiced did not intimidate us. They didn’t then, and they don’t today. And yes, I see a bit of irony when a military cadet is intimidated by prayer time at lunch. As kids, we didn’t realize we were supposed to cower when another belief (or no belief) is present. Unfortunate, is it not, that my husband and I did not instill fear of that type in our daughter.