Why aren't you Catholic?

Much of what Christianity is based on is polar opposite to Judaism. Human sacrifice, one person paying the sin debt of another, multiple gods. Out is so incompatible that the term 'Judeo- Christian ’ is laughably nonsensical.

Thanks again

No problem. The Mass is not entertainment, not TV. Got to prepare for it. On a good day, sometimes I’ll take an hour beforehand, but that’s usually for daily Mass not Sunday.

It’s not a dislike of Protestants. It’s more like a choice between wading and swimming, or between going for a drive and going for a hike. Some Protestant denominations make it seem as if Christianity is more of a spectator sport.

Judaism does not reject God. They are quite devoted to Him and to being of service to Him.

There are many many types of Protestants, they don’t agree with each other in the least. So artificially constructing a singular divide between Catholicism and Protestantism is somewhat silly. It would be a little like a room full of people of 20 different races and mentally dividing them as black or nonblack. “See there are BOTH KINDS!”

One Protestant denomination disallows all statues (graven images). Nevermind statues of Robert E Lee. They believe having a statue depicting Jesus on a cross is a greivous sin.

Another focuses on the magic bolt-of-lightning like moment when God saved us, (once per person). If you haven’t had your bolt of lightning you are going to hell.

Another says you should get rich and tithe 10% of your pretax income to the church.

Many are fairly mundane, but another, focuses on faith healing and instructs its parishioners to writhe and wriggle and speak in tongues like something from the exorcist. (Google Wasilla Church of God and “speak in tongues.”)

I personally, am a sincere fan of Bishop TD Jakes, but honestly, it’s hard to know if he is

  • a motivational speaker turned preacher or
  • a preacher turned motivational speaker.
    (Youtube secular motivational video featuring him is below. I listen to the audio version frequently.)

Not all of them and the same thing could be said for Catholics or any religion including Judaism.

Are you speaking of individuals now? I was referencing doctrine and teachings. In either case, the Catholic Church isn’t going to disappear so it’s all good and doesn’t even really matter.

Rejecting Jesus or assigning a lower status to Jesus?

Of course there are very devoted Jews, but talk about spectator sports? Social clubs? In name only? I live in CA.

At any rate, you said yourself,“Some Protestants…”

Judaism (or Islam for that matter) do not use Jesus as interchangable word for God as you do above.

Service is very important, but I think you are short changing many other Christian sects.

Also, keep in mind that there are Christian groups that are very active spreading Gospel.

Protestants that call Catholicism non-Christian are out of whack too.

This was your thought experiment.

Jews reject the idea of Jesus–or any human–being divine. The LDS Church is very active in spreading the Gospel. Many Protestants love Jesus deeply.

When I was fourteen, without knowing what it was, I picked up The Book of Mormon and thumbed through it. And thought, “This sounds like it was written by a fourteen-year-old…” It wasn’t until much later I learned that it was. The Catholic Church has given me a strong background in New Testament studies, including the Book of Revelation–a book most Protestant denominations massacre. They are not strong on Old Testament studies, either. That leaves Judaism. Remember, I am not saying all Catholics would/should turn to Judaism in our “Let’s Pretend” scenario. I am saying I would, making me the exception, not the rule.

It sure isn’t. Nothing makes God seem more cold and boring, or worshiping Him an obligatory punishment like a good, slow moving mass… especially if they shut off then A/C. Make it a Latin Mass or a priest nobody can understand and we’ve gone below even an insurance seminar’s level of interest/fun.

What did you put into it?

Does the Catholic Church believe that during communion, that the priest is literally turning the wine into the blood of Christ? Is that a true assertion?

I believe that is called transubstantiation.

What is the Catholic argument for the Canon being the book of rules instead of the Bible?

I follow the scriptures and have no interest in man made rules.

This is nonsense on several levels.

“Jesus Christ, who is the Catholic Church’s founder, is the original source of divine laws laid down chiefly in the Constitution of the Church, and next to Him the Apostles as lawgivers either of divine or human laws, viz.: as inspired or merely human instruments.”

"What began with rules (“canons”) adopted by the Apostles at the Council of Jerusalem in the first century has developed into a highly complex legal system encapsulating not just norms of the New Testament, but some elements of the Hebrew (Old Testament), Roman, Visigothic, Saxon, and Celtic legal traditions. "

Then you would be interested in all the footnotes citing scripture.

No, I was talking about denominations.

True Christianity is not just about dogma differences and Scriptural opinions, it’s about Faith and Practice. Study of dogma has it’s own pitfalls.

Pure faith is not blind. Overly emphasizing dogma becomes Ivory towers and continuing a history of dogma wars.

Isn’t unity better?

Cool. Then we can toss the bible in the dustbin and live however we perceive the spirit is moving us.

In answer to your question, yes, unity would be better. Interestingly enough, the Catholics do have an ecumenical outreach to other denominations.

Jesus never made mention of any Catholic Church. None of the Apostles either. You do have the talking points down well though.