Why aren't you Catholic?

It didn’t work well for me.

Orthodox would be more “different” than Episcopalian or some others.

Judaism would eventually insist you convert.

Judaism discourages conversion.

Probably works as well as a person setting up their own political party of one.

Not for the reason you might think or hope for.

Whatever blame one can place on Protestant sects for historically deserting the Catholic church, it is miniscule compared to the historical, denouncing and crucifying Jesus.

For me it was a little like New Year’s resolutions are for most people.

Or perhaps the better metaphor is ME debating some lib on the Hannity Politics Forum and then ME objectively deciding who won.

Keep in mind, I have spoken with Jews about this. They (at least in my area) are fine with people remaining what was known as “God Fearers” and they do not push conversion. On the other hand, they do insist their religion be respected and I would not be welcome if I insisted on talking about Jesus.

Certainly not all Jews denounced and crucified Jesus. He had quite a following, but the powerful Annas and Caiaphas hated him. Turns out Annas and Caiaphas were/are not much liked among Jews, either.

Grown men, even the good ones, can be such teenagers sometimes. (toothy grin)

You won, of course!


I find it to be hokey.

I grew up in a pentecostal family that ran a pentecostal church that sent me to schools where the notion that Catholics were Christian at all was considered a false teaching.
That said, the ceremonial aspect of Catholicism never appealed to me after I discarded that aforementioned cult.

A better question is why would I be catholic. I’m atheist so its not like I’m looking for a church but if I ever decided to then catholics would be my absolute last choice with mormons being a close 2nd. Way too much evil perpetuated by the catholic church over the years and overlooked by its leaders (child molestation scandals being a recent example) and the Inquisitions being an old one. And its absolutely nutty on issues like birth control which has the effect of increasing abortions - the most effective way to reduce abortion is to prevent the pregnancy in the first place with cheap and easily available birth control. I could write a novel on why I think the catholic church is horrible but for brevity sake I’ll leave it with what I’ve put so far.

Do you hold all of Judaism, including Jews of today, responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus?

Not Fair!

Those damned Orthodox sects deserted too, (first) but nobody’s mad at them.

The only 100% effective method of birth control is don’t have sex.

If we were being totally honest we would recognize that those who have sex and later seek an abortion are not following Catholic teaching on birth control anyway. The first tenant of it is life is sacred. Another is that one be open to the creation of new life. From those two the rest of their teachings follow.

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It is easy to differentiate between those who study history and those who rely on third hand accounts of those who want a spin to attack a good institution. Is the Catholic Church perfect? No, it is not, but it has always worked tremendously hard at correcting itself. May want to look at the model other agencies follow today in protecting children. Yes, the model Catholics set up when it was revealed a smaller percentage of priests than people in other ministries/businesses were abusing children as well. I was in journalism at the time. Want to know who had the bigger percentage of child abuse cases while also following the social policy of that time of retraining and moving people around? Of course you don’t. Besides, you can name about any other profession and you would be right.

To each their own.

No, not at all. Very supportive of Jews and Israel. Just talking about it in regards to Merriweather’s dislike of all Protestants, assuming an historical view.

I was born Lutheran and was confirmed as a teen, but always liked the Catholic worship style over Protestant. Never happy with the historical authoritarianism and dark histories at times. Always thought the disunity in Christianity or Buddhism and the disunity between Christianity and Buddhism is very unfortunate. Jesus was a Buddha.

There was historical censoring of the canon that obscured the truth. That is a very complicated subject.

And there were some pretty terrible church leaders and reasons for rebellion. These are historical situations and of course Judaism still 100% rejects Jesus. This is why I am surprised by your statements.

The New Testament is very much different then much of the old testament, in some of most central ways.