Whoa. I'm agreeing with AOC!

So you get the free work doctor, the military access and the 72 percent reduction on your premium?

They are required to purchase plans through the ACA exchanges.

All federal employees get the 72 percent subsidy, same as a company chipping in a portion of employee plans, a big portion.

There is a hospital in the capital building that does provide them first rate primary care, and they can go to military facilities in the Washington DC area. That is the only perk not available to countless middle and high level executives of corporations.

It is interesting. How about how much it costs to get elected and reelected and where that money goes?


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Cool. Where do you think most of it goes?

Most? No idea… it seems to vary from campaign to campaign. Are you talking about money spent during the campaign or left over afterwards?

During. I think most of it goes to the media.

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A healthy ad buy?

Yup… http://www.opensecrets.org/campaign-expenditures

I didn’t read it but are the media consultants, who get a percentage of the total ad buy, second on the list?

I’m assuming these media consultants themselves used to work in media.

Probably many mechanisms. Be interesting to see the truth of it.

Why doesn’t everybody? For them it’s the law. A law that doesn’t apply to you.

It’s a sweet job. Why can’t everybody make 176k per year/

Sure. They want to determine what OUR insurance plan should be as well as there own. And they’ve saved the best for themselves. There is no moral justification for this.


Not entirely true. If you as a citizen happen to have a medical emergency in the capital building you will go to their hospital first. Truth. :slight_smile: This is ONE feature they have, and given the number of people working in that building, I think it’s justified. Their overall plan is the same. Getting their primary care there or someplace else isn’t that big a deal, it’s still going to be covered. If I go to my doctor and he treats me, it’s covered.

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Now observe who doesn’t vote for it?

This was exposed by 60 minutes in 2011. Congress rescinded their ability to do this and then quietly reinstated it again, with in a year.

And also its pretty much made up based on your own assumptions.

It was 2012 that Obama signed into law a bill against it. I do remember it going back and forth an really ticking me off, I just don’t know if after 2012 it was ever made legal again. 2011 is no longer part of the equation. I could look it up of course, but not right now.

Then the should accept for themselves, word for word anything they want to force on us. What’s fair is fair. We don’t need Medicare for all. Just let us have their plan and be done with it. No debate needed.

I would guess lobbyists to be the greatest source of their enrichment.