Who Will Harris Pick as VP When She Assumes Presidency?

not the first time that thought occurred here. very true thanks

I don’t see that happening either.

The questions from a press contingency that used to fawn over him is all we will get.

Biden can do a better Howard Hughes impression and that is a good turn.


Memes? Yeah, millennials invented internet memes. That’s not really up for debate. I saw you guys discover memes on here in real time in like 2016 lol. They’d been around for ten years at that point. Lol

did y’all also invent “lol”?


I hate memes!
:woozy_face: :rage: :triumph: :tired_face: :face_vomiting:

I only use LOL if I’m mocking someone who used it first. :smirk:

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a defining invention for millennials.

god bless ‘em

Yeah … Hillary would give it some time so as to lessen suspicion. :wink:

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if shes going for this, then everything you see politically is part of the plan. anyone who might stand in the way would disappear.

remember how john jr “disappeared” in 1999? hmmm

I think Hamster Dance is the first meme I can recall. I don’t recall any from when I was using Q-Link on my Commodore 64.

BIDEN: “She [Kamala] happens to be in Asia for me right now, but that’s why we have a female Vice President of the United States of America, who’s gonna be, we’re gonna have some presidents pretty soon.”


easy there old timer. people arent supposed to know this

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yes, in her mind thats what she’ll get and thats why she’d pick him, not a threat. and your opinion ain’t worth squat, as usual.


That’s what this reply is about. How little my opinion is worth? Snicker.

Thanks for the reply. As always.

I was thinking the same thing. :rofl:

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That this thread even exists speaks for itself.

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ouch. OUCH. 41%

in USA today no less

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And on Afghanistan: 25% approve; 60% disapprove.

NBC News poll:

Biden’s job ratings decline amid Covid surge, Afghanistan withdrawal in NBC News poll


this is why hillary will have to be installed. i doubt this is any more electable than in 2016

not much less electable than joe

but dominion takes care of that ; )

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Failure needs to be met with disapproval.

I am glad polls are back to being meaningful once again.

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i was about to say the same thing

thanks for posting

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