Who will Brandon negotiate his sham nuclear agreement with?

Propping up Iran’s mullah’s and dissing Arabs is really stupid. Especially since the mullah’s days seem to be getting shorter.

its getting serious over there, and we’re propping up the wrong side.

How are we propping up the mullahs?

Maybe the missing guy he was wandering around the stage looking to shake hands with? :rofl:

Answer to thread title question.

Not very optimistic but any kind of a revolution that undoes the 1979 one would be an enormous ■■■■■■■ del.

we negotiate with them on a deal on their terms that they won’t keep and everyone knows it. Meanwhile… they can’t even control teenage girls.

Okay, so actually we aren’t “propping them up” so much as “negotiating with those in power”.

Those are two very different things

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Well, this ain’t gonna be it. This is gonna be another bunch of dead civilians with maybe…maybe a mild reform or two.

The best that we/they can hope for is a minor curtailment of the morality police.

They can be one and the same thing. Look…the United States is negotiating deals with us. They are ending sanctions. We are a successful and powerful legitimate government.

Only if you contort the definition of “propping up” beyond any usefulness.

no contortion needed. we are negotiating with them and they are getting something out of it.

99% chance you’re right. Yet, all the world’s impactful revolutions started somewhere like this.

Which wrong side is getting more serious, this one or the other nuclear one that’s now threatening us?

we’re on the right side in ukraine. and if we stop treating with them and come out forcefully in favor of the protestors will be on the right side in iran too.

It appears that the current Iranian government is losing control to the younger Iranians that do not want to continue on the road they’ve been on for a long time. This could be a great time for Iran.

yes, they can’t even control teenage girls and we’re negotiating with them over nukes.

Can anyone? :wink:

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Yes. That is not “propping them up”.

lol. thank you, i was waiting for that.