Who has taken the vaccine in America as of now real stats CDC

Facebook is a “special case” LOL. It is rife with freaks and goons who spend most of their time trolling and being general wise asses.

I have no idea who’s vaccinated and who isn’t. :man_shrugging:

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I have always disliked anti-vaxxers to some extent. Now I absolutely dispise them, because it is more important now than ever that people take responsibility for themselves and the community and get the vaccine.

And then they decide to go to online political forums and attack those who disagree with them and spread anti-vaxx fear porn.

I didn’t personally inject any of my family, friends, etc., nor did I personally witness them being vaccinated, so I’m just going on what people are telling me. This pandemic along with the vaccine has been part of our conversations. I guess I assume others here likely have similar conversations as well.

I think it is because some previous studies have shown a discrepancy with certain races’ ability to receive proper healthcare. It’s what every science major is taught in Bioethics. I’m not so sure it is purely a “race” issue but I do wonder if that has something to do with it partially, at least.

Additionally, this might reflect the stances on cultures within the U.S and their political beliefs.

ETA: Yes, I know the vaccine is free.

A better way to do that would be a person to person survey, with a follow up question of, “what did you do your dissertation on?”

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This was not a matter of timing as far as those who said they had taken the shots. The NBC poll was taken August 14-18. The CDC data covered the period ending August 16.

I have no doubt there are, but there also seems to be a huge disconnect between what internet links and TV shows say and what the rest of the country is off doing. I’d venture to say there are just as many people who don’t think even about it enough to bother with a conversation about it.

I’ll bet the large majority of people who are vaxxed have already moved on with their lives also, and are no longer concerned about catching the WuFlu.

A far left NBC online poll which would get as much respect on here as if I posted a poll from Breitbart, what is posted is the data from the CDC the people giving the shots.

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Damn…now tell me NBC is not politically biased?


It is important for the left and the media for whatever reason, I just don’t think it holds water by the data. Just trying to find this data I had to go through page after page of this before seeing it.

They used Covid to win the election and aren’t going to give that up just because their guy is in charge now. The narrative has to be it is Republicans. But if 90%+ of those who are hospitalized or die are those who aren’t vaccinated, are they trying to convince us all that the health of conservative Republicans are what they are worried about?
Stop the surge at the border if you want to slow the introduction of new variants, and help everyone.


I agree it’s just with the data released by the CDC I am not sure how they are pulling this narrative at least without pushback. The numbers are not showing what they are trying say they do.


Here in Morris county they set up an old Sears store at the rockaway mall.

It was great


Unsure where you are getting that falsehood from.

The anti vaxxers are rural whites and urban blacks with a sprinkle of Orthodox Jews.


Did their research conclude that the side effects of Covid are 1000 times worse than the side effects of the shot?

No one has data on political affiliation what we have is what the CDC is releasing. What people do with those numbers seem to be 100% narrative driven. I personally don’t think this is helping more people get vaccinated which should be the goal not this political shame which has driven the news cycle over the past year.

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Your innuendo, that people are not being responsible because they have not gotten the COVID jab is ludicrous to say the least . . . especially when we are finding out getting the vaccine does not prevent one from spreading the virus.

Additionally, I would be considered in the “high risk” category because of my age. But, I am very conscious of my health and my immune system is extraordinary, so I am not too concerned about being infected with the virus, although I always take common sense precautions when around others, which is being “responsible”.

Aside from that, there are many commonly available products which, if taken at the first signs of a virus infection, and especially a respiratory infection, which can and do prevent viruses from replicating. I have known this since the early 1990s and have yet to be incapacitated by a cold, flu, or any other respiratory infection and do not want to, without absolute certainty of its safety, introduce a laboratory cooked up concoction into my body. This of course does not make me irresponsible.


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If the goal is to get people vaccinated you need to know who is unvaccinated and what their reasoning is. If you see a skew in the unvaccinated towards one end of the political spectrum it can tell you where to focus your efforts. That is no different than using race, ethnicity, education, location or any other demographic. If people see a poll they don’t like the results of they claim bias. Great, post an unbiased assessment of political affiliation and vaccination status. We can compare the differences.