Kamala wants it to be her. She wants the same people who claimed that Hunter’s laptop was fake, a Russian plant, the Steele dossier was real and Covid could not have been from a lab leak. Oh, and don’t forget, the Catholic church is a terrorist organization. If a fact checker proves the government is lying. They go directly to jail. These are the people who want to tell you what you can say. And if you publicly disagree, there will be consequences. THE ONLY REASON for the first amendment is to give you the right to disagree with your government. It has no other use. Nobody should be put int charge of monitoring and enforcing speech. We know what you are libs. You are full authoritarian goons. The type service members fought against in every war. The threat to cancel the first amendment is all the reason you need to vote for Trump.
we don’t have enough recorders yet for speech police, but soon AI will listen to everything said or written at the speed of electricity and adjudicate and execute all offenders…
I never understood the Covid China lab controversy. It was obvious that it was a possibility that it had leaked from a lab and some went full defense of China in on that it was disinformation and started silencing voices of dissent as racist bigots.
I don’t get that one, are people really sure that the CCP wouldn’t want to cover up a leak like that. It was funny at the time they were defending the CCP the CCP were saying it came from Norway or America.