Who actually did the unmasking, if not Samantha Powers? Over 260 unmasking during the election

Are you saying over 260 Americans were not unmasked for unknown reasons?

Why don’t you already know?

Kavanaugh is one of the primary reasons we had the Patriot Act. As a judge, he consistently ruled in favor of government surveillance. Do a little research man-a simple internet search of “Kavanaugh 4th amendment” will show you he’s no friend of privacy. He’s a big-government, deep state goon.

Who are my heroes that you believe were spying on Americans?

He wasn’t trying to break the law-he was making it LEGAL for people to spy on Americans.

Man, Trump supporters don’t have the first clue, these days, what the people they support REALLY stand for. A bunch of parrots of right-wing talk.

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Obama is your hero. And his admin just ignored the law and unmasked Americans… You don’t care about that. You are upset at a guy who does not break the law.

Republicans did not remove the 4th A rights of over 260 Americans the Obama admin did that.

There was obviously no broken laws.

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It’s illegal to unmask people for politics…

No he isn’t/wasn’t. Stop making things up about me.

According to your conspiracy theories.

You haven’t proven anything other than unhinged conspiracies.

Am I? Where did I say that?

All I did was point out that you support a president who nominated a supreme court justice who has a verified history of being anti-privacy and anti-4th amendment. It’s ACTUALLY factual, as opposed to the nonsense you spew about unmasking. His findings as a judge, and involvement in the patriot act, are real.

And Trump supporters rejoice at Kavanaugh’s anti-privacy stances. They LOVE him and Trump for it, and try to deflect and talk about something else. Amazing.

Then Trump and his AG should be tossing people in jail. Weird that they aren’t.

Good thing that hasn’t happened.


Fill us in.

Except the “about queries” show it did happen. …

Your heros admitted no crimes were committed and no ones rights were violated…

Even your god, the word made flesh, could not find any wrongdoing with his divine power…

It’s amazing.

We have a REAL LIFE enemy of the 4th as a supreme court justice right now. We can document real facts regarding his disrespect for the 4th and privacy, and all the Trump bots can do is parrot UNMASKING!!!

Here’s a short little video of Napolitano, of all people, giving a run down of Kavanaugh’s anti-privacy stances and rulings during his career prior to being nominated by Trump. Opposing him would have been a really good example of Trump supporters supporting privacy and the constitution. Instead, Trump told them get down on bended knee and kiss the ring and oppose privacy, for the sake of politics, so they did.

Ok, they couldn’t prove she did it.

But, why were these people unmasked and who did it, and why?

You mean you don’t know? Duh.

NDAA, Obama signed your fights away… None on the left cared during Obama

and you mean you don’t care about why they were unmasked or who did it…

Nope, it’s pretty obvious why, and how this conspiracy theory came about. If you spent your time reading anything useful you would know too.

Obama expanded those power as well…and not single peep from radicalized libs here at Hannity land. No one peep.