White House: 2019 deficit double that of 2018

I’m not the one here bragging about how they take care of grannies with charity.

This isn’t about me. It’s about you.

Make up your mind.

Well there ya go… another reason we should all make our own decisions and stop using the gubment as our charity distribution organization.

His Point also kind of forgets the fact that the US government literally helps both the kids and the guy. And does this despite the fact that they don’t vote.

@zantax and @Call_me_Ishmael really thought they had a great point there.

It’s still a great point. The guy who made conscious decisions to ruin his health does not deserve our charity dollars.

Agreed. He deserves to die. Maybe government will dig a hole for him to die in.

“Some people deserve to die
Trump 2020”

Not the same usage of the word, my use of the word our was descriptive of many peoples resources the disposition of which is their own, your usage was claiming the use of other peoples resources as your own.

Many people don’t deserve it. The government is replete with bureaucracy and bad decisions but amazingly so are charities.

You’re forgetting the big difference between me and you is that I support federal and state welfare programs. I’m not the one suggesting private charity do it all.

We can expect these to start back up any day now right? RIGHT?


The difference of course being, I am not required by law to donate to poorly run or badly prioritized private charities.

What does that have to do with whether or not anyone should be forced to impoverish themselves in the name of charity?

How judgemental of you. I’m sure Jesus/God whoever loves that you get to judge who deserves your charity. I guess all those people in third world countries don’t deserve our charity either since they made the conscious decision to reproduce in such bad conditions.

No, because

from Tea Party movement - Wikipedia

Tea Party activities have declined since 2010.[162][163] According to Harvard professor Theda Skocpol, the number of Tea Party chapters across the country slipped from about 1,000 to 600 between 2009 and 2012, but that this is still “a very good survival rate.” Mostly, Tea Party organizations are said to have shifted away from national demonstrations to local issues.[162] A shift in the operational approach used by the Tea Party has also affected the movement’s visibility, with chapters placing more emphasis on the mechanics of policy and getting candidates elected rather than staging public events.

Impoverish themselves?

No one is impoverishing themselves through taxes.

Unless you think not being able to afford your kids brand new car means you’re impoverished.

It has everything to do with your belief that charity can be a suitable alternative to government.


If God didn’t want us to decide who deserved charity he would have made it mandatory. He commanded we give to the poor, not the rich, on a global scale, no, or very, very few, Americans are poor.

So you’re saying it was never about principle. No kidding!

I support state charity too. And if people don’t like it they can move to another state. That is true diversity.

Federal level though? No… for alot of reasons. Overreach is one. Waste is another. Corruption (votes for free cheese) is another.

If you don’t like federal charity move to a different country.