White House: 2019 deficit double that of 2018

Sure thing

from U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget

The universe of means-tested welfare spending refers to programs that provide low-income assistance in the form of direct or indirect financial support—such as food stamps, free housing, child care, etc.—and which the recipient does not pay into (in contrast to Medicare or Social Security). For fiscal year 2011, CRS identified roughly 80 overlapping federal means-tested welfare programs that together represented the single largest budget item in 2011—more than the nation spends on Social Security, Medicare, or national defense. The total amount spent on these federal programs, when taken together with approximately $280 billion in state contributions, amounted to roughly $1 trillion.

And it won’t help nearly as much but we can cut this too

from https://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/corporate-welfare-state-how-federal-government-subsidizes-us-businesses

The federal government spent $92 billion in direct and indirect subsidies to businesses and private- sector corporate entities — expenditures commonly referred to as “corporate welfare” — in fiscal year 2006.

We’ve got to have huge deficits so we can pay the debt off in 8 years.

Oh, wait…something doesn’t add up here…

Got ya. So literally take away all assistance to the poor, take them all off Medicaid, put em on the streets, just so Lord Billionaires can get a tax cut. You guys are something else…

If you wish to help the poor, donate to a charity.

So did Trump increase welfare spending by $500billion after passing tax cuts?

Obama lowered the deficit over the course of his tenure.


Lol. Tax cuts for corps, budget cuts for american citizens.

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Budget cuts for Americans sounds so much worse than stealing money I earned to give it to those who didn’t earn it doesn’t it?

“Stealing” lol

Its the democrats fault, if only we did away with the filibuster in the senate. we could eliminate the debt very quickly.


Stop complaining about the deficit you support with your demands for a trillion a year in social spending.

So, as long as it’s other Americans having their budget cut, you’re OK with it? I’m sure the rich all earn every penny and those lazy poor don’t deserve a dime. Those Republicans and their strong Christian values…


“Stealing Money” Lol. You should file a police report.

Poor Zantax…has to pay taxes. Poor poor Zantax…

I dont support $1trillion deficits at full employment. What I dont support is doubling a $500billion deficit at full employment in order to pay for tax cuts on the rich. Sad!

Did it ever occur to you that the reason we are the greatest country on earth, and the best economy the world has ever seen is largely because of what we choose to spend money on?

Tea Party is just waiting for the Democrats to control Congress, and then DC will feel the full weight of their wrath.

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I wonder if it ever occurred to him too that the rich have grown their wealth exponentially the last 40 years, have had their taxes lowered consistently every decade the last 40 years, and the middle class and poor have fallen further and further behind. Of course, that just means they need MORE and it’s all Jenny on food stamp’s fault

Do you include Medicare in that social spending?

Talk Radio Conservatism is a really special thing. It’s a For Profit Ideology that exists purely to drive ratings, but is taken seriously by millions of americans. That is surprising in and of itself, but what is really special is, it convinces people to vote against their own self interests time and time again.

What a thing.

Bonus paradox: Talk radio conservatism loves it some capitalism. Capitalism holds self interests near and dear to it’s heart. Yet, members of the Talk Radio Conservatism cult ignore their self interests and vote for people who give tax cuts to teh rich, and cut spending that benefits them.