Which came first chicken or egg: the global temps phenomenon

Maybe the global heat event is natural event

Ice age terminations typically occur in three phases, which are recorded in ice cores going back 800,000 years. The initial phase is characterized by a gradual rise in methane and CO2, leading to global warming over a few thousand years. This is followed by a sharp increase in temperatures fueled by a burst of methane, leveling off in a third phase lasting several thousand years

Kerry can point fingers and hawk his carbon credits. Biden can ban everything: stoves, cars, lawn mowers, bbq grills, etc . Liberal environmentalist can light their hair on fire. It aint gonna matter


Just imagine all those resource-rich lands in the north and south that are just begging for exploitation and agriculture!

Please be the end of the ice age! Burn all your trash, folks!



You realize when California ends up in the ocean they’re all moving to Missouri right? :wink::rofl:

By that point I’ll be living on a sandy beach in the warm arctic. :sunglasses:


and how is Cal going to wind up in the icean?

The answer was right in the post i responded to.

Looks like California is bracing for hurricane Hillary.



afraid to answer. as usual.

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Holy crap! You snipped the answer to quote me. Maybe try reading it next time first. :roll_eyes:

i snipped nothing. i quoted the most recent response as i almost always do

Why yes…yes it was.

That your attempt at a gotcha moment was pathetic. We do. :rofl::rofl::rofl:



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from the OP article:

“Then, in 2013, Nisbet and his colleagues realized this rise was accelerating. By 2020, methane was increasing at the fastest rate on record, he said.“

all this demonstrates is that no one has any damn clue what the earth is doing

it will also probably cause media starlet democrat dunce AOC to blame cow farts

i can’t believe i live in this age of idiocy.

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But if we all would just stop burning fossil fuels, we would all be just fine. :neutral_face: