Where is Gavin Newsom?

Where’s Gavin Newsom? He not been seen in public since taking his COVID booster shot? The guy who loves the camera as much as Joe Biden likes little girls has been conspicuously hidden from the public since he got the COVID booster jab. His wife tweeted a nasty comment to people asking the question and then deleted her tweet. ■■■■■■■ liberals…

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when youre a radical leftist among radical leftists you dont need to be “present”


lol. good!

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I am fed up with phony ass liberal politicians

dont get tired now…

they are more emboldened than ever.

keep resisting. like occupied france

The local paparazzi want info and they want it NOW!!

yeah TMZ demands to know

why isnt this guy doing his job?

Maybe someone close to him died or something how the ■■■■ should I know.

oh i dunno

is hair gel still available in the area?

What does that even mean? I don’t even like the guy but when someone says they have family obligations, I tend to give them a little space.

Unlike our local paparazzi.

Yeah … Illness in the family. Him.


Her ya go … :wink:


A high vis D, having a breakthrough infection would be troublesome. But a bad side effect would be devastating to the mandate argument. 11 days is a long time for a governor to remain hidden, with no comment. Of course it could be any of the other standard no comment scandals or health issues.


Maybe he’s out on the Pacific Crest Trail

if he were republican it sure would be an issue.


The longer this remains an unknown, the more attention it will have focused on it. He is a state level party elite, nationally known. And he is 99% political.


Tell someone who cares, Bro.

Newsom is missing and he is not doing the people’s business.

Executive time? Golfing?

well… non-idiots already know he’a a joke. the media at large will ignore it though because it would mean their jobs


I was referring to his recognition factor, not competence.