Where have all the Mueller avatars gone?

You guys don’t accept that for Obama so we don’t accept that for trump.

Steinbeck comes to mind. Of mice and men.

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i’m more concerned that millions of these guys were kidnapped…



Of Mice OR Men.

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Like Obama fought to close Gitmo?

They are around we just can’t see them. It’s faith. You have to just believe and they appear

We can see them, they replaced those hats with red MAGA hats.


I always did find the pervasive Mueller avatars odd. If he had found what they wanted why would it matter who the messenger was?

It was better for him to find nothing which is what the charge of collusion suggested from day 1.

Shifty Shiff? Keep him around…we know not trust him at all.


People on the left meme just fine. They’re just not dumb enough to think pictures with words are substitutes for actual arguments and data, unlike the 4Chan Muck Dwellers on the right.

The whole political argument via meme is really weird to me.

Make a broad statement without nuance and counter any criticism with derision.

Bumper sticker politics is for those who refuse to attempt to understand an issue.

Obviously libs are born better.

He tried, then had to sign a defense bill for national security which included language by the GOP specifically prohibiting him from closing the base.

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ThEy aRe bEiNg HeLd iN BaSeMeNtS oF LuBy’s (Pizzarias were full)… SeNd $150 aNd We wILl rEleAsE tHeM…


No but certainly raised better.


I saw a picture of a guy who got a Mueller tattoo… It’s just like Comey. One day he’s a hero, and the next a villain.


To be honest, I’m seriously thinking about writing Mueller in for president at the next election. You can tell that guy has a lot of honor by the way he ran his investigation with no leaks and a talented and disciplined team. That’s what a leader looks like.

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No leaks? https://wjla.com/news/nation-world/25-leaks-about-the-mueller-investigation-and-the-problems-they-may-cause

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“Oh, just wait till the entire report come out”…lol!


Cool story, brah.

Whose villain?