Where goeth the left now?

Ya “libs screw up everything and Republicans fix it” lol

Oh and don’t forget cons are on track to double the deficit to $1trillion after being handed 5% unemployment

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That’s fascinating. Truly. You get to do the same when the pendulum swings. Deal? Sit quietly and accept who is in charge l? K?

Conservatives, hell bent on observing the rule of law sat by for 8 long terror years under Obama and let them play. Yes we did. We whined, bellyached, urinated and moaned but we didn’t try to tear down the republic in a hissy fit. This is not arguable.

We’d kinda appreciate the same consideration. That’s all. Naturally, we ain’t gonna get it.

Wouldn’t be any dirtier than McConnell blocking Obama’s nomination I guess.

If it helps your feelings any Mx. Trying conservatives don’t like Snood McConnell any better than you do. We think he’s more your friend than ours.

They must returneth from whence they came?

Correct. They raised the bar, now its time for liberals to ruthlessly exploit it by court packing.

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And yet you guys vote for them every year like sheep

Except of course confirming the fewest judicial nominations… and passing the fewest laws and… So let’s try again.

Not arguable, lol.

Where is the left going??

On a direct course of more violence and hate. Same path they’ve been on for a long, long time.

The conservatives have finally won. Now what do they do?..

I think the Clinton wing (center) of the Democratic Party died in 2016 and there’s a war going on in that party right now. The Republicans are going to go crazy with winning for the next 4-6 years as the right is stronger than the left overall. Where it goes from there? I don’t know, but the country is changing. I think we’ll look like Guatemala in the future. Private government for the wealthy, nothing for everyone else.

At least with a conservative court, we’re not going to get any compelled speech laws ruled as constitutional.

Thanks old fart. Appreciate it.

What an imagination.

Wasn’t there another poster who started all his threads with “Rush said” or according to Rush?

Now that’s MORE LIKE IT! Someone called MrOT a troll the other day. That was a first. But being labeled old fart by the pusillanimous infected left…by golly it feels like I’m back home on doomed ToBlazes! Super!

The OP is clearly Spinach.


Ruh-Roh. Someone’s been busted!

Same place that we went to in 1972. Counting the days until A demorcratic majority takes over. Right now we got 4, just need 1 more.


The long lost spinach aka Pago possum.
