When will Tucker Carlson realize Democrat Revolutionaries want to overturn our system and establish a democracy?

It appears not a week passes without Tucker Carlson asserting our “democracy” is under attack. Hopefully, in the very near future, Tucker will realize that our domestic revolutionaries actually want to establish a vile form of democracy in which the rule of law is determine by a majority in power, and not by the terms of our Constitution and system of government. See:


John Adams was absolutely correct when he pointed out that “democracy will envy all, contend with all, endeavor to pull down all; and when by chance it happens to get the upper hand for a short time, it will be revengeful, bloody, and cruel…”. Witness today the horrifying path our domestic revolutionaries, who now control the Democrat Party Leadership, have chosen to take, supported by a Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists.


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution . . . not a revolutionary democracy!

The following is a wonderful article concerning the topic of the thread:


A democracy exists by giving power to a majority through elections. Oh there are other interpretations of a “democracy” but when speaking about the country, it is my ( perhaps misguided) understanding America is a Republic according to the US Constitution anyway.
When oafs like Joey, Schumer, Pelosi and their phony ass ilk blabber on about “saving democracy this or that”, it’s painfully obvious that they don’t know what the ■■■■ they’re taking about.

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You started a thread with that guy in the thread title.

Well, he keeps portraying “democracy” in a favorable light, when there is a vast distinction between a democracy and our constitutionally limited Republican Form of Government.


You are right the USA is not a democracy and I suspect all our politicians in both sides understand the difference. Yet both sides use the term democracy.

I dont think there is any ulterior motive its just word games. The majority of people will not be educated in the strict definitions of the terms democracy and republic but understand that in a very general way a democracy has some form of voting for representatives in government.

We are the outliers on this and other political message boards. The vast majority of the public do not have the interest we have.


I sincerely wish the “oafs like Joey, Schumer, Pelosi and their phony ass ilk . . .don’t know what the ■■■■ they’re taking about." But I am quite confident they know exactly what their talking about which is removing the protections our founders put into the constitution to protect us from the vile nature of democracy.

Some of those protections are: the electoral college; an independent and nonpolitical Supreme Court required to be obedient to the terms of the constitution; federalism; a separation of powers with three distinct branches of government, each of which is independent of the other two; the filibuster in our legislative branch of government which insures the people’s voice will be heard through their elected representatives: and a specific method to alter the Constitution which requires a three fourths consent of the States and people therein.

These are but a few of the protections which our authoritarian revolutionaries want to subvert but were put into our Constitution to protect us from the dreadful nature of “democracy”.


Today’s Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist!

Except in the case of the POTUS. In the case of Trump you had a guy who lost the popular vote twice. But was able to insert three SCOTUS Justices who overturned a right that the majority of Americans did not was changed.

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I believe there is an intentional and notoriously evil cause behind the general public’s ignorance of our constitution and constitutional basics, and it begins in our government schools, and perpetuated by our popular media sources which act in concert with those attempting to subjugate and destroy America from within.

I spent over twenty years on the University of Maryland’s campus, and the ignorance I have witnessed among students there, with reference to the most basic questions regarding our system of government and our constitution, was then frightening to me, and that was about twenty-five years ago. Of course, I am assuming the ignorance has gotten even worse.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Facebook, Twitter, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

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What type of democracy or republic was Trump trying to establish when he tried to steal the election?

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Please help me. I’m having trouble finding the verbiage “termination of a pregnancy” in the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights Waz.
I’m told in many states however, that as a medical procedure it has been made legal by those state legislatures.
We can argue under the federal statute “life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness” encumbers terminating the life of an unborn child but wouldn’t that be a stretch?
Help me here

A republic is a form of democracy, and I guarantee you when Tucker opines that “our” democracy is under attack, he’s concerned about a lot of the same stuff you are.



Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is old and tired.


“We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.” ___ Hamilton

Apparently it’s private too.

Look LIBS are the Greatest Threat Ever, so if our constitutional republic allows them to be in power occasionally, that HAS to be changed.

The Constitution isn’t a Death Pact, you know.

So if we have to destroy the Republic to prevent the LIBs from destroying the Republic, don’t we have a moral obligation as defenders of the Republic to do just that?

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The Republic need not be destroyed. Through the “Democratic” process the power shifts from one group to another through enough people blind enough to buy into the bull ■■■■ and electing their representation.
The maggotry wanted no more mean tweets so here we are. Now the sheeple are registering as Republicans en mass! Go figure.

Trump actively tried to destroy the Republic.

There’s no two ways about it…he attempted to hold on to an office he has clearly lost via means that were clearly unconstitutional.

But the price of gas is really high so that is being ignored.

What might we overlook next time if times get worse?


It has gotten much worse, as was the plan when the barons in the late 1800’s got involved with public “education”.

I weight the opinions of people that think that way accordingly.

“TDS” is too middle school to carry any weight except with other middle schoolers.

In fact, 6 of the justices were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote. Couple this with the fact that, for example, California has half again the population of the entire mountain west, yet California has two senate votes, and the mountain west has 16. Finally, add in the electoral college, and it is clear that we have almost gone beyond protecting minorities to flat out minority rule. At the very least, unfair representation out of proportion to their numbers.