When will the media figure out that they won?

First. You did win. It’s okay to stop asking Biden baby questions. Treat him like the President elect. Like a grown assed man. Not like a child. Asking only child like “questions.” Stop embarrassing yourselves with your stupid suck up questions. It’s time to get real.

Secondly and more importantly. Why the hell do you still refuse to cover the violence committed by your people? Again, you won. You have nothing left to prove. You don’t need to protect your goons anymore. You are free to cover the news again. Below are a few heartwarming videos of liberal pigs in action. Thank you Breitbart for covering what CNN refuses to.

Are we going to get four years of soviet style news suppression now?


Hint antifa aren’t liberals,


Hint: Watch the videos. They attack Trump people.

Hint: Why is the liberal media covering for them?

Hint: Because they play for the same team.

Hint: BLM has asked Biden to give them something in return for their votes.

Get the hint?


BLM and antifa are not the same.

I support BLM but not antifa.


They don’t seem to attack liberals they go straight for the Maga people or fascists in their mind.

I think people will see soon that these groups will not be going away under Biden, and will probably get worse.


Antifa is against the United States as a whole.

Doesn’t like capitalism.

I as a liberal support capitalism with all my heart.

My brother also a liberal with 45 patents to his name, 100% supports capitalism.



In a country where thousands of blacks are gunned down each year, BLM has determined that only about half a dozen of them actually matter. The rest deserve no mention at all. That BLM?

BLM are the ones in the video surrounding, throwing water at and threatening and old man for the crime of wearing a Trump shirt. Right? That BLM?


Then you are in the wrong party. The democrats do not share your enthusiasm for capitalism.

Doesn’t that fly in the face of the theory that they are liberals?

Sorry I disagree with you. Systematic racism does appear in police forces across the country. Are you saying just because blacks kill blacks it’s okay for police officers to discriminate and kill them.


Most embrace it wholeheartedly.

Most americans benefit from capitalism and a decent wage paid to them so they can stimulate the economy.


Very true. But then again neither are you. :wink:

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No. They’re attacking conservatives. Watch the videos. The fact that there is a media blackout proves they are liberals.


It makes absolutely no sense to say the liberal protestors will not only continue but get worse with a liberal President

Things are about to change. The dems are beholden to their far left benefactors. Capitalism is their enemy.

If the Dems are beholden to Antifa and will capitulate like you assume then why would their protests continue to get worse?

I am about as liberal as they come.

I am a 14th amendment strict constructionist.

Equal rights for all.

Jus soli

That’s about as liberal as you can get.


I’m not making any assumptions. The media is still acting as if they didn’t win. They can stop and start covering news again. Right?

The example in bold is not a liberal value. Nobody has worked harder since Jim Crow to divide people by race or anything else than the democrats. Again, you’re in the wrong party.

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You are a big government dem.

You need a new party.