When will democrats throw out their radicals

I truly admire your restraint here.

It’s very difficult to argue with you.

Division bells are ringing.

Why shouldn’t we allow an up and comer defy the national agenda? Are you feeling okay today?

I got my quota of retard adjectives already today…

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Yes socialism a great way to collapse middle class into poverty. That is up and coming for liberals. Oh yeah let’s do away with border security so all illegals are welcomed. Great up and coming messages for liberals. At least democrats are embracing what we knew they were all along.

they have been indoctrinated into beliefs that- if true - would have even good conservatives protesting in the streets. Child molesters, baby snatchers, concentration camps, gas chambers and ovens, ethnic cleansing… even moderate libs have been brainwashed into thinking that without their vote, these things will become legal and rampant in a country governed by Trump supporters. And all the never-trumpers are saying “told you so” but fail to realize that the accusations would be the same even under any other Republican president. Recall… BUSH… war criminal, idiot fool of the oil industry, King George. The left… all of them are deranged one way or another.

Except I didn’t say any of that. What I did say was I don’t mind someone coming in and upending some sort of national agenda. And I’ll add I have no problem with someone new coming in and shaking up Pelosi.