When is trump going to mention John McCain’s name?

Also, will fat donald say anything once McCain passes on?

50/50 chance of him attacking the guy personally on Twitter or at a rally once again.

Will depend entirely on whether Donald sees personal benefit in doing so.

if trump does mention mccain, ,it will be to mock his illness or disparage his military service…

George W Bush and Barack Obama have been asked to deliver McCain’s eulogy while Trump hasn’t been invited to the funeral. That’s got to piss him off.

Watch for trump to do something that will grab the headlines and the exact same time the are giving the eulogy so the news media will have to switch from McCain fees to Trump

we should all give trump a ‘shut the ■■■■ up’ pass on this one. He’s incapable of saying anything appropriate.

While it wouldn’t shock me, it would still be disgraceful.

Trump prefers people who don’t get captured and are not dying from cancer.

I suspect he’ll keep his mouth shut and not say anything about McCain. The Art of the Fat Donald.

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I was afraid that Donny was going to hear that John had suspended his cancer treatments and then Donny was going to make another snide remark, along the lines of his nasty remark about John being captured.

How he likes people better who don’t give up.

I am content that scum of the earth Trump is keeping his mouth shut. He sullies John’s name any time he mentions him.

I didn’t read anywhere why he was ending treatment but I assume it was not working

It means it’s not working anymore so it’s pointless

And maybe even causing more discomfort

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I heard and read about it yesterday.


So, so, sad.

But I can certainly understand it.

Trump’s still formulating the perfect insult.

Our classless and clueless President.

“Quitter McCain”

Did he give up his seat?

What can I say?

Trump and his followers are classless jerks.