When I was young, now I am old

When I was young, I was told that Republicans believed in small government and fiscal responsibility. I was lied to.

Now I am 35 and I know better.

The End.

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Yea but their boss had to ok it so Jimmy gets the credit…and there can never be enough Carter bashing.

I was raised on peanut butter.

sounds like talking points, when I was young I was told democrats and the left believed in civil liberties. now we know Obama.

And country sunshine?

without a bicycle helmet

<<<< ——— The comedy thread is that way. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I got about a quarter of the way through the OP before Billy Joel started going off in my head

Stuff, stuff, stuff and stuff
History and stuff and stuff
People, someone’s name, history and sports
Big disaster, someone’s stuff, and stuff, and stuff and stuff
History, someone’s name, something I don’t know
Famous guy, movie star, don’t know who these people are
Stuff and stuff and history, yelling really loud at me !

We didn’t start the :fire::fire:


Yeah, that’s the nice thing about history, we can look back and see the truth. And the truth is that Reagan reaped the work of Carter and Paul Volker sopping up the excess liquidity flooding the country. Carter was the last actual fiscally rational president, not that he didn’t have his flaws. But things were set you perfect for Reagan to triple the deficit.

Nonsense, Carter was a fiscal disaster. And Regan’s deficit was the bargain he struck with the Democrats so he could build up the military. He allowed them (withdrew the threat of a veto) to spend whatever they wanted for their priorities as long as they approved his military budget. The result was a huge deficit and the near bankrupting of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

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You guys still living that dream. Well anyway.

Reagan, big deficit: good

Obama, big deficit(huge depression): bad.

You are confusing an explanation of fact wth an endorsement of policy.

And there it is…on this we agree…it wasn’t Carter!

Oh Crap Samm. I felt a shift in the force. Two for two???

Well, there’s a load of ■■■■ if there ever was one. :rofl: :rofl:

In the world of politics misery is a good thing. It’s largely those who are miserable that look to government with the hope of finding happiness.

It was under Carter.

I am doing this from memory, so please forgive if I get a couple of details wrong.

Volcker was confirmed as Fed Chair in July 1979.

He then almost immediately started to push the Fed Funds rate up for the next year and a half until it’s Double Digit high in January of 1981.

That put the country into a recession.

After that, interest rates began being lowered at a pretty steady clip, with inflation under control and deficit spending able to pull the economy out of recession.

Plus Volcker was president of the NY Fed bank prior. You can’t tell these guys anything that tarnishes the halo of saint Ronnie.

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What wasn’t Carter? The economic malaise of the second half of the 70s?

So what part of that was rebuttal?