When I took over our military, we did not have ammunition

“Why do libs keep pointing out how much of a moron Trump is?”


Defending g this stupidity cannot be good for one’s mental health.

Gaslighting us, my friend? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“We were so hard up for Tomahawks…” :rofl:

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No one is supporting him…remember that. No one…that’s their story and they’re sticking to it.

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Those mean libs…they keep using actual trump quotes and videos against him!


LOL! He literally could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth avenue…


Perhaps the Dems who call themselves the press should ask him about it.

Libs for endless wars… What does the dem candidates say about leaving Syria…

Is pulling out of Northern Syria and leaving our ally exposed to being attacked by out other ally worth it?

^^^^ An example of how this whole situation is ■■■■■■ and the course of simply cutting and leaving is terribly wrong^^^^

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If he had ammunition…


Sir alert!

“Sir alert” is the theory that if Trump quotes an unnamed man in a stereotypically masculine role or occupation referring to him as “Sir” it’s probably a fabrication.

Of course this might be a case of trying to pick the fly crap out of the pepper because, as we have seen, if Trumps lips are moving, odds are pretty good that he is lying.


From Sgt Bone Spurs to to General Patton in the blink of a ■■■■■ grab

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Well, “some people are saying…”

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Remember the far-right claims during the Obama administration that some servicemen were ordered not to have their weapons loaded with bullets?
