When Americans hurt, Dems dial up the pain

Having read that I can’t take the rest of the post seriously.

Keep spinning and ignoring while lapping up CNN’s water carrying excuses.

Even if the federal tax increase seems small to some, the fact their taxes will go up while y’all are still trying to say they won’t isn’t going to help. Smart people get tired of being lied to.


Don’t the footnotes match what CNN is reporting?
https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/jct_distributional_effects_inflation_reduction_act.pdf (PDF)

And did you bitch because your taxes went up? That was rhetorical BTW. You can bet people who’s taxes go up under this will also bitch.

Will federal taxes go up for those under $400K? Ignoring it doesn’t make that fact go away. Couple with the corps passing on their increases and inflation this admin is not looking good.

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What part of your federal taxes went up during Trump. Don’t state your state tax deductible, that is on you and your state.


So Biden lied? Again?

Trump cut your taxes.


Trump removed my deductions not the state

No he didn’t. I paid more money in taxes on slightly less income. Trump did that

Trump cut your taxes.

Why hasn’t Brandon fixed your SALT?


Yes he did.

So what you should never had them. It is a state tax not federal. Not the feds job to supplement ■■■■■■ state taxes.


Because he sucks

No he didn’t the amount of federal taxes I had to pay increased

Indeed it was

Naw. You got a tax cut.

No I didn’t. My base tax rate might have been temporarily reduced but my actual tax liability increased. The only thing that matters is what I actually paid. Paying more isn’t a cut it’s an increase

So by your definition, people paying less than $400K WILL be paying higher taxes no matter how it gets spun.

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People at every level are going to pay a hell of a lot more for everything because of Brandon’s crazy wild out of control spending and money printing.

Even more to come with this latest crazy spending bill.


Yes, it will.

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