What Will They Do!?

Well unlike Obama’s shutdown they won’t be barred from every National Park and Monument.

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Since most of the illicit drugs in the US come from or through Mexico it’s safe to say a majority of those deaths are due to illicit drugs coming from Mexico but you’d be hard pressed to prove a hard number.

Trump shutdown: good.

Obama shutdown: bad.

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Yes, intentionally make the shutdown as painful on the public as possible is bad. Glad we could agree.

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So your saying we should let state govt control us.

Bush was potus.

That number should be at 0! At least from a non ignorant perspective.

The ignorance of the Democratic Party not putting up a wall is killing Americans, and
America on so many different levels, and so many different ways!

At what point in my writing that you just quoted did I even remotely hint that
the states should control everything?

I’m simply saying that I believe that it should be up to each individual state for certain laws,
that they feel is the best for their own state. Not just someone like Obama and the Democrats
come along and overthrow what the states have been able to do for years on end and tradition.

Such as gay marriage, Abortion, gun laws. GIVE THE POWER BACK TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN PEOPLE!!! Less Government telling the American people what to do. More of each individual state being able to do what they want, like it use to be!

All of the terrorists entered the US and trained for the attack during the Clinton administration.

Let’s also not ignore Gore’s contribution keeping the gov’t and country in turmoil by refusing to concede the election which finally had to be settled by the Supreme Court.

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No, he’s saying he prefers that most of the control come from the states rather than the Federal Gov’t as was the stated intent in our constitution and bill of rights.

The federal gov’t was to be very limited with most decision making power being left to “The People” and 'The States".

Uh yep we can ignore that since it has nothing to do with 9/11

It held up the transition for over a month.

So the govt totally shut down?

Do you even understand what the transition process is? It’s getting the incoming administration up to speed and ready to takeover on inauguration day.

It is the time between the election and inauguration. During that period the Clinton Administration was still running the gov’t.

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So we agree the transition did nothing to affect 9/11.

No, not even close.

George W. Bush was responsible for 9/11.

Horse Hockey

The truth stings.