What Were You Thinking, Arizona?

Me either…maybe a wizard did it

or a ghost…the ghost of McCain came back just to screw with trump?

Kyrsten Sinema was endorsed by the Arizona Republic, and she is a moderate who has voted with Trump about 62% of the time. Link
She also voted for Kate’s Law. I have no regrets for having voted for her.

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This. Despite what Donald may think, his attitude towards McCain was a big factor in Arizonans rejecting his endorsed candidate. People don’t naturally align themselves with a disrespectful boor.

A moderate?

Really? How? What’s her stance on gun rights?

Didn’t she insulted a state and a war mom?

looks like mccains revenge to me

Isn’t it ironic? The President declared this election a victory, but I’m still seeing so many tears from his supporters.

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The people voted for her. Nevada & Arizona= two women!!

Why do you refer to Dems as Liberal? Do you expect us to say the Republicans are conservative? The party of “family values?” The party of fiscal responsibility?

We all know that, you seem to miss the point though.

seems like the stubborn type of guy who would though just to prove a point. that and whisk over to the middle east to mess with terrorist bomb makers

Where’d that post go?

ghost of ■■■■■■■ McCain

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maybe mccain is haunting this forum too hahaha

make sure your shirt is tucked in

dude was known to have a funny sense of humor


the next time i pull up my underwear too fast and give myself a wedgie im going to blame the ghost of john mccain

Sounds like the type of person a Trump supporter would like.

Not in touch in modern AZ

Vocally supporting Trump automatically disqualifies you from holding any office in 2018 unless you are running in an… old-fashioned area.

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She is literally one of the most moderate senators and centrists that will serve in the next congress and that includes both sides.

To many illegals voting!