What The Hell Is Brandon Doing?

Of course not. What a weird thing to suggest.

Well, that’c convenient!


First donation for your gofundme to buy yourself some discernment.

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Better get cracking

Now take out natural gas stoves and heaters and demand will only grow even farther. Oh and don’t forget automobiles.

Libs and there fantasy land.


Well you will be

Energy transition is a national security issue.

The administration should have done this last year, when we were approaching hurricane season and winter with low gas inventories.

A problem of Brandon’s making.


There are far more pressing things of national security. A major one is the lack of domestic manufacturing.

But neither that, nor “energy transition”, should require abusing the War Powers Act.

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Absolutely not. He was the only one seeking to fix it at the time.

He should have simply choked exports to death in 2022 due to the immediate danger. Subsidizing competition with a DPA is a nice long-term solution that makes up for his previous timidity.

He drained our strategic reserves. Maybe now he’s trying to fix that.


I strongly disagree. Energy security is the foundation of everything. This is not an abuse of a DPA.

Of course. You’re a lib. You’re going to agree with the lib president.

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More electricity for EV cars, more electricity to cook with and heat your water (instead of gas) now more electricity to heat your home? Where is all that electricity going to come from Lucy?

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Outlet Samm
outlet. Don’t you know anything?


Do you heat with solar? Do you cook with solar? Are you charging your EV with solar? What do you do at night? Electric heat, cooling, cooking, and transportation is great 
 as long as the source can produce what you require to do those things.

And even if you go all electric all the time. You can’t do without oil. Your “green power” would grind to a halt without oil.

When did Joe become a Citizen if Qatar? :thinking:


What fuel are they using to increase capacity? Are they upgrading the capacity of their transmission lines too?

Every kW produced by wind and solar must be backed up with firm power. And that back-up power must be kept on warm standby because when the wind drops and the sun goes behind the clouds, it must be ready to fill the gap instantaneously.


They should be on warm standby, ideally. But that doesn’t seem to be common enough to avoid dangerous conditions in extreme weather. Too many operators pray for cold-starts with unwinterized equipment.

Jose just says no