WHAT’S THE PLAN? Bernie Says Rent Prices in San Francisco Are ‘Unaffordable,’ Wants ‘Decent Housing for All’

Originally published at: WHAT’S THE PLAN? Bernie Says Rent Prices in San Francisco Are ‘Unaffordable,’ Wants ‘Decent Housing for All’ | Sean Hannity

Democratic Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders weighed-in Wednesday on the sky-high rent prices in San Francisco; saying the “richest country in the world is going to end that disgrace” by providing “decent housing” for all Americans.

“Housing is so unaffordable in San Francisco that entire families are forced to live in 6’x10′ rooms and share a kitchen with 30 other families. In the richest country in the world we are going to end that disgrace. Decent housing must be a right of all Americans,” he tweeted.

Housing is so unaffordable in San Francisco that entire families are forced to live in 6'x10' rooms and share a kitchen with 30 other families.

In the richest country in the world we are going to end that disgrace. Decent housing must be a right of all Americans. @janeosanders pic.twitter.com/obk93ebuKU

— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) July 10, 2019

Sanders continued to wage his personal war against climate change this week; comparing the country’s struggle to stop global warming with the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

“In some ways…I’m reminded today in terms of the crisis that we face in climate change about where the United States was in 1941 when it was attacked at Pearl Harbor, and what happened at that point, having to fight a war on two fronts in the East and in Europe, the United States came together and within three years it had created the type of armaments program that was necessary to, in fact, win the war,” Sanders said in a conference call with reporters.

“So I don’t think the issue here isn’t that we can’t address this problem, i think we can, I think we know exactly what has to be done, and that is massive investment in sustainable energy, massive investments in energy efficiency, transform our transportation system, we know what has to be done, but the problem is the lack of political will,” he said.

“We know that the scientific consensus is here, the solutions are right in front of us but…this is not just a scientific crisis, not just an environmental crisis, a climate crisis but this is a political crisis of inaction, and it’s going to take political will, political courage in order for us to treat us this issue with the urgency that the next generation needs in order for us to preserve our way of life and preserve our planet as much as we possibly can,” added Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The two politicians released new legislation Tuesday that would officially designate climate change “national emergency.”

Read the full report at Fox News.

[quote=“Administrator, post:1, topic:200685”]
Housing is so unaffordable in San Francisco that entire families are forced to live in 6’x10’ rooms and share a kitchen with 30 other families.

In the richest country in the world we are going to end that disgrace. Decent housing must be a right of all Americans. @janeosanders [https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1148996553752944640/video/1](htt

Maybe you and your fellow Democrat Politicians can give part of the money that you spend on Healthcare per month towards the housing crises? Nah, I’m sure you’ll just spend more of the hard earned tax payers money instead. Hey! a lot of you and you’re fellow democratic Politicians are in that 1 percent group you always preach about! Why not put up some of your own money, and quit preaching to others? What Bernie? Afraid to put your millions, I mean money where your mouth is?

@ Bernie Socialist hypocrite Sanders

Maybe you can sell of one of you houses, instead of having more than one? Tell your Democrat Politician friends to do the same maybe? and tell them to get rid of their private jets and gas guzzling cars, and lead by “Example”, if they even can comprehend what that means?