What percent of public mask wearing is actually effective?

There is no public health issue with seatbelts. My wearing a seatbelt will not save you if we are in an accident together.

There you go.

What is an acceptable body count to determine the level of “proof” that would satisfy you and over what time frame for these studies on comparative infection and death rates?

BTW - There are ALREADY studies that show masks (both N95 and cloth) lower the risk of infection. The question was about lowering risk, not reducing it to 0.


For mandate? That’s a high bar.

In a lab.

We don’t live in labs.

My counter evidence is the mandates in place the last two spikes. The mandates didn’t work.

Are you implying the lab results didn’t include someone like this?


Or his girlfriend.


Or if you survive and are then debilitated then there is a social cost to bringing you care.

If that cost can be mitigated by a seat belt, then it is a net positive.

No one is an island.

Do we get to mandate family planning too? How about black diamond ski trails? Activities that are hard on joints? That last one is really expensive by the way.

Where the cost is low for mitigation then there is no problem.

Once again… the all or nothing approach is dumb.

Hard to characterize government mandated safety equipment in today’s cars as low cost.

Or if I die because I wasn’t wearing it and save the "social cost’.

Are you really trying to claim seatbelt laws were passed to save on the “social costs” of accidents?

By that logic we shouldn’t be mandating anything that saves anyone over 65

You don’t know the cost for the mask mandate mitigation.

You are the one demanding mandates for all.

Compared to the alternative?

Yeah… pretty low cost.

Go ahead and do that if you want.

I tend to not go for sociopathic strawmen.

Masks are cheap.

If a locality wants to mandate something, then that is on them.

Baring a locality from doing so is silly.

Do what? You’ve already made it a law with punishment.

Arguing just to argue is cool.