What is the purpose of a trial?

And people freaked out when Comey wrote up the Hillary “exoneration” Letter before he finished his investigation :joy::joy:

And who exactly was “us” and what did us get? And what did us give in exchange for that favor?

Deserve it too soft. We require truthful public servants and proceedings. But in today’s culture when mistrust is so high, when Democrats inflate the necessity of impeachment, when intelligence services are making highly suspicious errors, when a White House is ignoring congressional subpoenas, when the Senate has has announced the verdict of a trial before it has begun, I have little hope things will change. For a long, long while.

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do you remember the executive turning over records in fast and furious, irs matter, or Benghazi.
do you remember Hillary destroying evidence under subpoena. This is nothing new at all.

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You are correct, which is why I refuse to blame only one side. Corruption does not discriminate. It is only looking for human weakness.

but somehow only one side is held accountable,

so is it worse to provide false equivalency or to ignore the same crime committed twice?

Guess you haven’t listened to any of the witnesses in the Impeachment hearings.

There is no actual evidence to support an impeachable offense much less the two they approved in The Articles.

Show up in court with a sham indictment on obviously trumped up charges and odds are the judge will toss it out and sanction the prosecutors.

The Senate does’t have the power to do the latter but they certainly can do the former.