At the beginning of obamas term how was the economy?
This is your brain on FNC and talk radio.
No here is a decent person who ran for president vs the type of folks who damage their brains with talk radio and evening Fox news.
Try this on. When GW left office we owed $11 Trillion. Obama brought it up to $20 Trillion before he left. He spent more than all other potus combined. Does that make you feel good?
Which part of Christianity are we talking about? I would assume the part where diddling little boys and covering it up, since Trump’s “morality” falls within being divorced two times, cheating on his wives, paying hush money to cover up such infidelities.
The part of Christianity where people see Trump as human garbage, and cannot find it in themselves to forgive such a vile blob of flesh, are would never vote for him solely based on Trump’s lack of morality.
Do you know that part of the explosion of the debt was that the expenses from the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars were finally put on the books? Bush kicked that can down the road as much as he could.
When Obama took office the economy was crashing hard.
When Trump took office it was doing great and he has added more than a trillion in debt.
If you had real values that would upset you.
You must hate Reagan. He tripped the national debt.
But seriously- the annual deficit was over a trillion a year when Obama took office and was under 500 billion when he left. I’m just two years of Trump the deficit is soaring back again to near a trillion a year. You must be livid!
Take the cnn news hose out of your rear end.
Said before, I watch CNN for elections. I will admit, I was watching for a bit the last 2 nights because of the hurricane.
I watch local news.
Sorry, no hoses. Now, Trump idolizers and their heads? We all know where they are.
Participating in thread thread is guaranteed to make you dumber, I can already feel it.
I already put my pants on backwards. You are right.
i think with Manafort flipping that reality is setting in. gonna be a lot of obama and hillary threads for years.
[quote=“theduck1, post:1, topic:12754, full:true”]
IMO, Obama is an evil muslim, who never wanted to do anything but destroy our country [/quote]
Well, it didn’t take long for this to head off into tiki torch land.
I watched the news about Manafort & I didn’t get that he’s flipping on anyone. he’s pleading guilty to lesser charges & forfeiting two properties & two bank accounts. It’s so funny how the liberals can make “Trump’s in trouble” out of this.
If anyone is destroying our country, it is trump. Liberals tear apart family values? Which party want to control what you do in your bedroom? Which party wants to deny a person the right to marry who they love? Once upon a time, it was the GOP who ran on family values. What a ■■■■■■■ joke that turned out to be.
No Obama exposed the racists in this country, and trump is just continuing to divide this country even more. Did Obama EVER call out members of the opposing party or the R’s in general as much as Idiot Boy has? Did Obama EVER say the media was “the enemy of the people?” No, it’s only Idiot Boy.
At least Obama was moving our country into the 21st Century, where Idiot Boy and his party want to take us back to the 20th Century.
Jeeze, I can’t believe what I’m reading from this OP. trash.
800,000 lost a month when he took office
He also cut the deficit he inherited by 50+%
So, net 1,000,000 jobs a month created and cut the deficit by $600billion+
Trump comes in doubles the deficit and creates less jobs than Obama did in 2016 and 2017
There’s one line you incorrectly quoted. Trump said “fake news media is the enemy of this country”.
John King does a good job breaking down counties
He gave us a lost decade…him and his dependents.