What happened to pro-peace Democrats?

That is the theme of a recent interview with from former-congressman Dennis Kucinich, who led Democrat opposition to the Iraq War and other military actions.

Highlights of comments from Kucinich:

Withdrawal of letter asking for negotiations: It’s a new chapter in the cancel culture; it looks like the Progressive Congressional Caucus has been cancelled . . . if diplomacy is not even going to be talked about or considered, that means we are headed for an escalation and all the consequences :55

BRICS:. . . the world is indeed interdependent and interconnected and if we should ourselves off from the rest of the world community, namely Russia, China, Brazil, India, and . . . South Africa, Saudi Arabia. There are affiliations right now which actually are not only against America’s interests, juxtaposed with our policies right now are isolating ourselves from an emerging new world. 11:00

Votes matter: You cannot simultaneously say you are against the war and vote for funding . . . 16:24

US enemies of the year club: . . . in Iraq with Sadaam Husein, in Libya with Gaddafi; in Syria with Assad and on and on and on, when you make that enemies of the year club all hell breaks loose, and the goal is then to wipe you out. 18:10

Rejection of an outline of a settlement in April: The President of Ukraine is boxed in. He is going to do what he is told . . . if the US tells him don’t agree to anything, he is going to do that. 19:10

Congressional intel briefings: . . .they just lie to you. If I wanted to find out what was happening, I would just go to the New York Times . . . intelligence would be leaked to the New York Times. You go to the committee and you read the same thing that was in the New York Times but because you went into the committee and it was said in the committee, you can’t talk about it. 37:45

History has proven Kucinich right about his opposition to US military interventions in Libya, Iraq, and Syria, when he led congressional Democrats in opposition to funding the wars. He sees the same things going on now in Ukraine, but now even timid suggestions urging a negotiated settlement in Ukraine are crushed within the Democratic Party.

Will Rogers once said, “I am not a member of any organized political party-- I am a Democrat.”

What has happened to the Democratic Party when even the mildest dissent about a dangerous war with a nuclear power is immediately crushed?

They’ve never been pro peace. I remember A Saturday Evening Post coming out way back when where the cover story was Democrats the War Party?

They made a point that Jimmy Carter was the 1st dem prez of the 20th century (up to that point) to serve without the country being in a war.

They may oppose war now and then if a republican is in office.

But pro peace?


Yes, that was true most of the 20th century. WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam all started with Democrats in the White House. In the case of Vietnam, there were huge splits within the Democratic Party that eventually resulted in anti-war Democrats dominating the party in the 1970s.

Since the end of the Cold War, starting wars has become bipartisan. Trump has been the only president not to start a new war, although he had to deal with existing wars that he inherited from Obama, Bush, and Clinton.

As far as the current war in Ukraine, I expect that Democrats would be much less timid about opposing a war if there were a Republican in the White House.

Russia ■■■■■■ around, and Ukraine will decide when they’ve sufficiently found out.

Putin’s humbling is practically free to us, anyway. Progressives would be smart to wait until Ukraine wants to diplomacy.

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Have you actually watched interview?

Kucinich addresses these issues. The US has already spent $60 billion on Ukraine and is facing higher gasoline prices and food prices as result of NATO sanctions. The Ukrainian government is under total domination from Washington.

We need to stay out of Ukraine imo.

Totally out.


Or is it US treasure will decide?


Anti-war Democrats used to roam in vast herds, now they are nearly extinct.

The Democratic Party has become very Stalinist its insistence on toeing the party line.

It’s a bargin. A whole ass “superpower” on their knees for a handful of Trump’s walls.

Which just shows you that protest was a bunch of BS. All those virtue signaling lawn signs about endless war were BS also. Obama bombs Libya into chaos and the left loved it. Dems love the MIC, and always have. See Vietnam and Syria.


All the people of Ukraine are getting is a cold winter of hunger, and kids and old men being sent to Zelenski’s meat grinder.
That and they are not allowed to vote Zelenski out… Which may be why he won’t stop the war.

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While you can’t keep baby formula on the shelves. Helluva bargain.

How does a “superpower” on its knees help you?

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Less competition in every foreign policy situation for a good while. It’s a general buff to U.S. politics. If Republicans ever act on their fetish for Iran, for example, this helps that future situation.

Ya that’s been the case for awhile remember the 100,000 person protest in Washington over the Iraq war they failed to show up during the Libya war. They definitely are silent on this war which could escalate to nuclear exchange and if they really Really are worried about climate change I can’t think of a bigger change to the climate than nuclear winter.

Democrats are anti- war when a republican is office.


They are not a superpower, when did a superpower have the GDP of Italy. The Soviet Union failed those days are long gone. They are two superpowers some say one just us, but I believe China could be added to the list considering how much wealth they control of the west.

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That’s quite a stretch. On what does Russia compete with us?

The US is not a superpower in anything but consumption.

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They opposed wars against communists nations.

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… no, we are THE superpower when it comes to BS, with the Left leading the way.

Surrendering to Putin is pro-war.