That is the theme of a recent interview with from former-congressman Dennis Kucinich, who led Democrat opposition to the Iraq War and other military actions.
Highlights of comments from Kucinich:
Withdrawal of letter asking for negotiations: It’s a new chapter in the cancel culture; it looks like the Progressive Congressional Caucus has been cancelled . . . if diplomacy is not even going to be talked about or considered, that means we are headed for an escalation and all the consequences :55
BRICS:. . . the world is indeed interdependent and interconnected and if we should ourselves off from the rest of the world community, namely Russia, China, Brazil, India, and . . . South Africa, Saudi Arabia. There are affiliations right now which actually are not only against America’s interests, juxtaposed with our policies right now are isolating ourselves from an emerging new world. 11:00
Votes matter: You cannot simultaneously say you are against the war and vote for funding . . . 16:24
US enemies of the year club: . . . in Iraq with Sadaam Husein, in Libya with Gaddafi; in Syria with Assad and on and on and on, when you make that enemies of the year club all hell breaks loose, and the goal is then to wipe you out. 18:10
Rejection of an outline of a settlement in April: The President of Ukraine is boxed in. He is going to do what he is told . . . if the US tells him don’t agree to anything, he is going to do that. 19:10
Congressional intel briefings: . . .they just lie to you. If I wanted to find out what was happening, I would just go to the New York Times . . . intelligence would be leaked to the New York Times. You go to the committee and you read the same thing that was in the New York Times but because you went into the committee and it was said in the committee, you can’t talk about it. 37:45
History has proven Kucinich right about his opposition to US military interventions in Libya, Iraq, and Syria, when he led congressional Democrats in opposition to funding the wars. He sees the same things going on now in Ukraine, but now even timid suggestions urging a negotiated settlement in Ukraine are crushed within the Democratic Party.
Will Rogers once said, “I am not a member of any organized political party-- I am a Democrat.”
What has happened to the Democratic Party when even the mildest dissent about a dangerous war with a nuclear power is immediately crushed?