What Exactly Is “Juneteenth”?

Emancipation Day would have to fall on a significantly different day.

Slavery existed in the United States at least until December 31st of 1865 and probably a couple of months longer in some isolated pockets. There was known to be a slave auction in Kentucky as late as November 1865.

Nobody knows for certain the day the last slave walked free.

But December 31st, 1865 is probably the date by which 99.99% were free.

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Emancipation Day can be July 4th.


Freedom for all; a celebration for all.

Who could possibly be against that?


MLK only had one birthday. So did Washington and Lincoln….

American men died in battle probably every day of the year. Yet Memorial Day is not every day.

New year celebration is arbitrary.

Are we sure that the first thanksgiving was on a Thursday? :joy:

Your argument is terrible.

The likes for it are amazing.

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i love how it is reminiscent of the illiteracy that created the “word.”

let’s never lose sight of that

Portmanteaus are a literary device.

People who use the word podcast are illiterate! :joy:

indeed they are

they also stem from illiteracy.

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They are part and parcel of our language. A lot of them are cringe.

how about Memorial Month?

Only if it’s called Memoray

soldier history month?

soldier pride month?

nope. just one day for them

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Yes please

I agree that’s wrong.


National Military Appreciation Month, also known as Military Appreciation Month, is a month-long observance recognized in the United States, dedicated to people who are currently in the military or have resigned from duty. Each year, the observance runs from May 1 to May 31.

It’s a day when more than the usual travel to pay tolls. Next year I’ll know to take that day off.

Who told you they stem from illiteracy.

Misuse of language or inventing new words isn’t just from illiteracy.

never any recognition of it in store fronts, businesses and everywhere else all month tho huh?

hmm gee

no one had to tell me

i know

Yeah that’s a problem. I agree. Though i live in a big city may be rural areas do more to commemorate. I don’t know.

Right you learned it through osmosis. Okie dokie.