What does a bad watch imply?

He’s just one guy, and a lot of people take issue with some of the things he says.

If God did not put us on Earth to glorify him, then why did he put us on this earth, in your opinion?

IF the analogy is that God created an imperfect world
and therefore lacks either power or benevolence
then you have a very flawed analogy.

Shortly before Jesus death (one of his last sops on the road to jerusalem I think) he and his apostles entered a new town and promptly saw a begger who had been blind since birth.

His apostles promptly asked some questions showing they did not understand how God works.
Jesus promptly answered their misguided questions saying that
God is not punishing this man,
God is not punishing this man’s parents.

This man was born blind so you can show what you are willing to do to help him.
Jesus then healed the mans blindness.

Because Jesus healed the man on the sabbath, shortly after, he was confronted by and denounced by the same crowd of people with whom he had so many arguments. Lawyers, scribes of law, teachers of law, Pharisees and others who believed worshipping god is about going to church, obeying rules, reading books repeating phrases and performing ceremonies.

But the way Jesus phrased it was - God made this man blind (on purpose) so I could come along 30 years later and show my power.

Which always seemed cruel to me…

I don’t read it that way.

A UM minister (presiding over a youth group I once was invited to) says that God spoke to him exactly OBE tine. When he (preacher) was in college he prayed asking God why he allows peopke to suffer in poverty, hunger and despair etc…

Apparently God’s answer was
“That’s funny. I was just about to ask you the same question.”

To my understanding God created the world, he did not create heaven 2.0.

I not sure why he created the earth, but your analogy assumes God should have created by the world as a carbon copy if heaven. It then offers that since God created an earth that is earth like instead if heaven like God must be either cruel ir incapable and therefore not God.

It’s a tautology of sorts.

Jesus, OTOH answers the question “why does a living all-powerful god allow an imperfect world to be less than heaven?”

Jesus answer: “To test us .”
To my knowledge
“Why does God want to test us?” remains unanswered.

Have you noticed the many Bible verses that comment about gold being tested in fire? Jesus also observed that we should be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect.

The reason gold is tested in fire is to purify it. Could it be these tests are our purification process?

I think it’s more a case of God wanting a soap opera.

Hi Meri,

I cannot really answer your question because
I was not aware that the Bible refers to “testing gold” in a manner synonymous with "purifying gold.

I am not be surprised to learn that though. Languages can be like that (I speak 3 of them.).
EX: a single ancient greek word, (peirasmos)
can be translated “test,” “tempt,” or “burden”.

Thus 1Cor 13 (a famous verse which is often misquoted regardless of translation), could equally be translated

  1. "When God tempts you beyond what you can heard he will also …
  2. "When God tests you beyond what you can heard he will also …
  3. "When God burdens you beyond what you can heard he will also …

Given that factoid, it does not take much imagination to think that “to test” might be used synonymously with “to purify.”

That said,
probably every Christian believes that God created heaven as a perfect place with no suffering, Hell ad a horrible place with nothing but suffering, and earth as something in between.

It is easy to point out ways in which heaven and earth are different. That does not mean God intended heaven and earth to be the same. We can wonder why he did not make earth as a carbon copy if heaven. Great minds gave often asked that question, . (My mediocre mind had already answered the question.)

But to suggest God wanted earth to be free of suffering, (just like heaven)
or that earthly suffering proves the non -existence of God is illogical.

Why does one go to a gym and create a physical challenge for the heart/lungs and our muscles? The answer to that question is the same answer as for this one question? It’s to strengthen us but…we must choose to partake in The Lord’s gym and get stronger in His stated ways.

So, you were on the beach and you found a watch in the sand. Interesting enough that you examined it for further consideration.

How much time did that take for you on the beach?

Had you not found that watch, what would you have done alternatively and where would that path have lead you?

Your conclusion is a failed watchmaker. Mine is much different.

I like that.

I still believe “test” in that.passage probably means something you pass or fail, and that passage is important not me.

But it is not harmful to examine all the things that might implied by the story. I certainly believe God is not too worried about the details of how we interpret him.

Imagine a person, (me), who grew up thinking Christianity was all about sin and abstaining from sin. “Go forth and ‘shalt not’ all the ‘shalt nots’ listed here. You must 'shalt not them with all your heart.”

That was not working for me.

Around 2016, with inspiration from that passage, and the parable of the talents, and a few other passages that are now key to me,
I began putting more focus on ‘shalting’ the ‘shalts,’
and less on ‘shalt notting’ the ‘shalt nots.’

It has made a very big difference in my life,
and a very big difference in the lives of those around me.

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It is a test and “passing” is heaven.

Perhaps we were the third of the Angels who chose not to take sides in the war for Heaven’s throne, and here we are, with no choice left but to choose.


…and when that time comes, when we meet…the first round is on me. :tumbler_glass: :sunglasses:

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I say when it’s all over we create another universe and have ourselves an encore.

That’s how I see it.
Sharing the shalts is probably at least as important as shalt notting’ the shalt nots.

Simply put,
We can be as prudish as imaginable,
if we keep walking by the poor and the sick etc…
we are going to hell.

A few years ago, while at a very important crossroads I’m my life I had the opportunity to shop for a new church to attend.

Some churches “allow” this, and some churches “allow” that.
Honestly, (sheepish grin) I found myself shopping for whichever church rubber stamp the most behavior, the one that would allow me to do the most stuff.

past an extended discussion .. . .

Now, as then, I decided “I don’t have all the answers” and chose the church that does theost outreach.

When I was many years younger, I truly thought I could save the world and it bothered me very much when I realized how insignificant I really am. I prayed about it and believe The Lord answered me. He said, Smyrna, I sent my son to save the world. What I’d like you to assist me with, I’ll have it cross your path. Since then, my eyes and ears are open to what crosses my path and I attempt to help in every way I can in this endeavor. I apply my blessings towards accomplishing this. The funny thing is, you can not out give The Lord. As I share, The Lord blesses me with more to share with, which allows me to accomplish even more. It’s one of the most bizarre phenomenons I’ve learned in life.

Thank you Smyrna,
We are kindred.

I do not concur with a literal interpretation of the Talmudic laws, (stone the adultresses, live animal sacrifice the proper way to sell your daughter),
But if the talmud includes 365 “dos” (like sacrificing animals) and only 218 “shalt nots” then an ancient Jew would be in heap big trouble if he just sat on his butt not having sex, and not stealing but refused to participate in anything except weekly temple and periodic rituals.

I don’t think that aspect of the religion changed just because Jesus was born.

  • He said do unto others as you would have them do unto you"refrain
    He did not say “refrain from doing as you would have them refrain from doing unto you.”

  • He said “love one another” not “refrain from hating one another.”