What caravan? The troops are coming home

They’re starting to. And this poll is from last month.

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I didn’t you did, but why not?

The first caravan is already in Tijuana. They’ve arrived.

You know as well as anybody who ever served Military Times is full of ■■■■■

Plenty others out there.

Yet the troops are redeploying. Almost as if they were never really needed. Or something…

One good trade deal and a bump for the troops and it all gets better.

The Mexicans are stepping up.

If you say so.


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Of course. That’s what it is.

And you know it’s true. They’re probably blaming him for the stock market, which is ridiculous.

He hasn’t made it over 50% in 2 years and one good trade deal changes everything?

Have a nice night.


Yep. Watch and see.

I had bone spurs.

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Nobody wanted to be the last draftee killed in Vietnam. In every war, there are those who can’t wait to go and those who will do anything not to. 70% of those who served in Vietnam were volunteers. The percentage of those who actually fought was much higher.

I’m not mad at anybody who didn’t go or did what they could to keep from being drafted as long as they did it legally. It’s not for everybody.

But I don’t think anyone should make fun of them unless they served themselves. If you (collective) haven’t been, you have no idea what’s like. The country wasn’t in danger. They didn’t desert. No problem.

How do you think he got a MEPS doc to sign off on a bogus physical?

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If you had a ‘‘friendly’’ family doctor willing to sign a letter attesting to disability and took it with you to the induction physical, you’d get deferred.


it really wasn’t a political stunt by a corrupt human who used the military for his own gain.


no really.


Why were the troops deployed to Texas if the caravan is in Tijuana? Don’t hurt yourself defending the commander in chief on that one, you Trump apologist.

No. You wouldn’t. The MEPS docs were in on it.

Do I know you?